All of you..


Well-Known Member
are afraid of judgement. Don't even try to play. Sometimes, don't you just want to say how you're feeling or express your thoughts without others being dickheads? Even now I'm holding back lol


Well-Known Member
"Damn I want to vent hardcore".. what's holding you back from venting?
This damn iPhone! I only go on this site via my phone, and it's difficult to articulate long paragraphs IMO. Being very stoned and using a phone for RIU useually means short ventings, for me at least.


Well-Known Member
"Damn I want to vent hardcore".. what's holding you back from venting?

Obviously you don't do what you want to do. What's stopping you?

Pussy ;)
Lol pussy, right. Even though I said I only wanted to vent, I then proceeded to rant anyways. So not really pussy, just tipsy.


Well-Known Member
I'm on an iPhone too... You know we'd can all text eachother free, right? X3

Unfortunately Hep, you freedom of speech is always going to be subject to attack from others with their freedom of speech :/ Some people say what they do because they have an opposing view but are chill, some people want to play devil's advocate just to hurt you. Big difference but people have the freedom to do both.

Another problem is people trying to adhere to stereotypes. I know you used to get a lot of flack for not joining in male-chest beating and dick measuring contests with some other members (ie just not being an asshole) and even being teased by female members for.,, I don't even know what! Maybe humans are just as opportunist as animals, waitig in the shadows for someone to say something they can pick apart and then attack them with/for D:

Ah well. The best thing we can do is try not to be bitter, or stoop to their level and one day the person who judged you may come back and realize they were wrong.


Well-Known Member
I guess you don't see the humor in his posts? Unclebuck is a pretty funny guy and Imma blow him till he laughs!


Well-Known Member
What's funny is your the main person who wants to be accepted.. Otherwise you wouldn't try so hard to be accepted over the internet. I can't imagine your life at home. Poor guy. :mrgreen:
i would not be so quick to call rick rolls and one stars as trying so hard.


Well-Known Member
Yet you still bother to check if you're accepted. It's ok buck.. I accept you.
what's the point of this thread?

do you want us to express something that we're afraid to express because others (see: mean internet trolls) will judge us on an anonymous online pot forum?

i'm pretty immune to judgment by now, i've had enough real life rejection over the years to basically inoculate me for good.