A few tips from my 2017 grow

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
Years ago I came up with the idea of using cheap key return type rings to help support plants and bring buds up that become too heavy to stay up by themselves. Last purchase they were 50 cents a piece when bought in 100 count size.



Scruffy Girl Scout Cookie held up high!


After my brother did the first electrical job for me I had spools of 8 gauge wire
that came in real handy. The heavy stems can be raised by attaching a wire to
a sturdy part of the plant above - Then make a hook and raise the stem up.


Even at 5,000 ft. in mountains it gets too warm to cool 6+K watts with conventional fans...

This is the main entrance to the garden space. Water cooler is on wheels so I can get in and out...

This water cooler has a USB port for a new system going in called "Leafer" - Made by a Rollitup member. The prototype will monitor the room, turn fans off and on, tell me room temp. and more.


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Final Phase

Well-Known Member
Hey @Final Phase, thx for the shout-out about Leafer :D
6kw lights is just next level man! :fire:
Can't wait to have Leafer up and running - Had to jam out in a flash today due to medical emergency at house in the high desert. Having to leave fast was not easy... With the Leafer I'll be able to monitor temps etc. which is critical! Two grows ago I lost a few grand in slightly toasted herb after being gone 3 days...

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
Where did you get them?
Found them on eBay - several companies to choose from. The bulk price of 100 went up. Cost now with shipping .71 a piece.

You can find them under: 100 SPRING CLIP ID HOLDER BADGE REELS VINYL STRAP LOT SOLID Colors Black White

These things have been so helpful to me. I've seen similar ones at garden centers that are heavy duty - not needed, cost too much (3 bucks a piece) and they are bigger which I don't like due to them cutting out light going to the plants...

I also spray paint them flat white if I can't get them in clear or already white...

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