87 year old woman punched in the face!


Well-Known Member
these msm stories of grannies being battered are there to make you feel angry, its tragic but rare and every case they get is blown up into a graphic story with a purpled granny victim of senseless violence, its designed to pitch you against the youth....it wouldn't happen "in my day" kinda reaction, don't draw any wider conclusions from these stories other than there are psychopaths out there but thats a pathology not a trend


Well-Known Member
I'd also like to point out that both assailants were black and the women was white........coulda been construed as racially motivated if it were the united states, then we'd have blacks claiming black lives matter!
these incidents are seldom racially motivated at the deepest level, there could be physiological mechanisms in play, eg the pre frontal cortex isn't fully mature until 23, never functionally in a psychopath, and it is this part of the brain that is associated with empathy and is a feature of human development and is not race specific so to suggest there may be a de facto racial motive without any evidence is circumstantial as the science of neural development is not race specific imo