6 little ladies needed


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU! Colorado Proud!!

I'm looking to start my garden back up and am in need of some good indica genes from clone. I am looking into 303Seeds for some beans but I need to jump start this round. Anyone point me in a good direction? Most dealers are full of it and I just moved to Aurora from the Fort Collins area so I am unfamiliar with the territory.

Promise I will run a journal with what you great folks point me to.

Thanks and smoke on!!


Well-Known Member
I'll call my friend today I think he can help you out. I'm close to harvest so I could use a few myself.
I wish I could help you out. I currently have homeless clones (gimme a break--I was practicing my technique!) in the Four Corners area...

chef c

Well-Known Member
Ill just tell you straight up, none of the members here with any sand are gonna help you out. Gonna have to hang out and post for awhile in order for us to get to know you. Please don't just ask us for genetics in your first week here folks. Go to a mmc--


Well-Known Member
doog has been an RIU member for longer then most here. just sounded like asking for advice to me, not handouts. we all know a # of disp sell sucky clones, they want advice on who has good.


Well-Known Member
Ill just tell you straight up, none of the members here with any sand are gonna help you out. Gonna have to hang out and post for awhile in order for us to get to know you. Please don't just ask us for genetics in your first week here folks. Go to a mmc--
Take a few minutes to find a nice quiet corner and fuck yourself for awhile? K? I've been on this forum for years now. Take you sanctimonious crap elsewhere.

chef c

Well-Known Member
Haha, ya, I see that you have been a member for awhile. I also see that you have a lil trouble saying what you mean... Someone w your experience here should know how to say, "I'm looking for a good mmc to get clones from, where should I go?" as opposed to leaving your question ambiguously open. Also, I've never seen you post in the colorado patients forum until now, to me, your new. And your no subcool as in to say that your not well known. Your obviously asking us for gear. Dont be mad cuz you got called out. Being rude won't get you anywhere, I was gonna say that after your "Bueler?" comment, but didn't. I wanted to see how you responded. I actually expected more from someone w close to 1500 posts. Oops.


Well-Known Member
All it takes is to look at my post # and date joined to see I have double the time and experience you have. Look before you leap. You seem to be really quick to jump on the newbies anyway. Who made you the forum HNIC? They may be irritating but they are the life's blood of this page. Easy killer


Well-Known Member
I'm going to go over and look around at Karma today. I'll let you guys know how their stock looks. Anyone have experience with LaConte's?

chef c

Well-Known Member
All it takes is to look at my post # and date joined to see I have double the time and experience you have. Look before you leap. You seem to be really quick to jump on the newbies anyway. Who made you the forum HNIC? They may be irritating but they are the life's blood of this page. Easy killer
Ok finshaggy. We welcome new members, but we don't give out cuts on riu, which is what I politely tell new people who ask. No one put me in charge, I just responded. Twice the posts would put u at nearly 2000 just for the record. Sorry we couldn't help you. Like I said before, go to a mmc.. And just because I didn't visit your page doesn't mean I didn't check your posts, I did.


Well-Known Member
sorry bro, most of the regulars in the CO section haven't hit up shops for clones in a bit. there has been a bit of a scare in the last couple years, started with MMCs selling PM/mite/FGnat infested clones, moved on to them selling clones infested with root aphids (evil bastards) and russet mites (more evil) as well. It's harder to know who to trust anymore, so if anyone does know any reputable shops, please pipe up. hahaha ... that was kinda funny


Well-Known Member
thing is with clones..... most of the time you wont know you have pm until your in flower.

keep all clones seperate and isolated until treated for bugs and diseases .

I spray anything I get in clone form with a cocktail mix in a 32 oz bottle of water.... 7 drops avid....4 drops forbid, 4ml eagle20 and greencure for the spreader


Active Member
http://www.mmrockies.com/High in the Rockies in beautiful Frisco, CO we are state licensed caregivers withcompassion for Colorado medical patients. Looking for live plants? Looking for great meds? You have come to the right place!Mon - Sat. from 10am-6:45pm.

Sun. 10am - 5pm.

We are conveniently located just off of I-70 Frisco exit 203. When you get off the exit go to the third stoplight (Hawn Dr, just past WalMart) and turn right. Then make your first left into the parking lot (behind Carlos Miguels Mexican restaurant) and we are suite #101A just next to the Jazzercise. It is the same shopping center as Starbucks so you can pick up your medicine and grab your coffee! If you have any trouble finding us feel free to call 970-668-MEDS (6337) and we will be glad to help you out!

720 Summit Blvd #101A
Frisco, CO 80443-0847

970-668-MEDS (6337)

In the friendly Frisco commuinity stop by while driving to Copper Mountain, Breckenridge (80424), Vail (81657), Beaver Creek (81620), and Keystone or Dillon (80435) Colorado. Great location for trips to ski, snowboard, bike, raft, fish, or hike.

Live Plants @ MMRockies - Strain Groups
group Agroup B
60% IBanana KushAK 4865% I
indica domCalifornia OrangeAlaskan Ice70% S
sativa domChem DawgBig Bud Blueberry80% I
sativaChocolopeBrainstorm Hazesativa dom
sativaDurban PoisonBubble Gum50/50
60% SFloBuddha's Sister80% I
indicaGrape ApeCherry Lime x AKsativa dom
60% IGrape SkunkG 13indica
indicaHerijuanaIsland Sweet Skunksativa
sativaJah KushJillybean60% S
indicaLSDLambsbreadsativa dom
60% SNew York City DieselLime Green Skunksativa dom
indica domRomulanMaui Wauisativa
sativaSour DieselMr. Niceindica dom
sativaStrawberry CoughPurple Voodoo50/50
60% SThird DimensionTriple Dieselsativa dom
White Widow60% S
Each group goes through a 2 month cloning cycle. Call ahead for the updated and current strain list.

anyone try this place before?


Well-Known Member
most of the time the strains you buy in the store that you smoke..... will not be the same cut they sell you to grow.

when you get done growin it your like.... why is the weed I bought different than what i grew and its the same strain.

Rule #1 with stores....dont sell the prize cut....have a different cut to sell to the public of that strain from bean

I grow for stores and never give my cuts out to the public...but they do have my strains in clone form for sale... its not my cut and its not as potent or smelly

Better to get your cuts from a friend.....


Well-Known Member
Ok finshaggy. We welcome new members, but we don't give out cuts on riu, which is what I politely tell new people who ask. No one put me in charge, I just responded. Twice the posts would put u at nearly 2000 just for the record. Sorry we couldn't help you. Like I said before, go to a mmc.. And just because I didn't visit your page doesn't mean I didn't check your posts, I did.
It's all good man. I haven't given up hope yet, lol


Well-Known Member
http://www.mmrockies.com/High in the Rockies in beautiful Frisco, CO we are state licensed caregivers withcompassion for Colorado medical patients. Looking for live plants? Looking for great meds? You have come to the right place!Mon - Sat. from 10am-6:45pm.

Sun. 10am - 5pm.

We are conveniently located just off of I-70 Frisco exit 203. When you get off the exit go to the third stoplight (Hawn Dr, just past WalMart) and turn right. Then make your first left into the parking lot (behind Carlos Miguels Mexican restaurant) and we are suite #101A just next to the Jazzercise. It is the same shopping center as Starbucks so you can pick up your medicine and grab your coffee! If you have any trouble finding us feel free to call 970-668-MEDS (6337) and we will be glad to help you out!

720 Summit Blvd #101A
Frisco, CO 80443-0847

970-668-MEDS (6337)

In the friendly Frisco commuinity stop by while driving to Copper Mountain, Breckenridge (80424), Vail (81657), Beaver Creek (81620), and Keystone or Dillon (80435) Colorado. Great location for trips to ski, snowboard, bike, raft, fish, or hike.

Live Plants @ MMRockies - Strain Groups
group Agroup B
60% IBanana KushAK 4865% I
indica domCalifornia OrangeAlaskan Ice70% S
sativa domChem DawgBig Bud Blueberry80% I
sativaChocolopeBrainstorm Hazesativa dom
sativaDurban PoisonBubble Gum50/50
60% SFloBuddha's Sister80% I
indicaGrape ApeCherry Lime x AKsativa dom
60% IGrape SkunkG 13indica
indicaHerijuanaIsland Sweet Skunksativa
sativaJah KushJillybean60% S
indicaLSDLambsbreadsativa dom
60% SNew York City DieselLime Green Skunksativa dom
indica domRomulanMaui Wauisativa
sativaSour DieselMr. Niceindica dom
sativaStrawberry CoughPurple Voodoo50/50
60% SThird DimensionTriple Dieselsativa dom
White Widow60% S
Each group goes through a 2 month cloning cycle. Call ahead for the updated and current strain list.

anyone try this place before?

Long way to go for some cuts :o


Well-Known Member
bought some of my best clones off craigs .as a matter of fact I've bought most every clone off craigs.