5x Nirvana Northern Lights~300W CFL, 400W HPS~Plant Prod 20-20-20&15-30-15


Active Member
Strains: Nirvana Northern Lights Femenised x5
- will be starting Aurora Indica, WW x BB,
Lights: 320W CFL for veg & 400W HPS for flower
Soil: 3 Parts Promix BX, 1 Part Worm Castings, 1 Part Perlite, 1 tbsp Dolomite Lime
Nutes: PlantProd 20-20-20 for veg & Plantprod 15-30-15 for flowering
-I compared the ingredients to jacks classics ingredients, and everything is is exactly the same except plant prod uses more real nitrogen, while jacks uses more "urea" nitrogen. So these nutes should be better, lets hope so!
Veg Cabinet Temp: 80-82 degrees

Germination Method: Place seeds in shotglass full of water until they sink, then place straight into soil mix

Pictures will be up soon!


Active Member
-battery ran out so I was only able to take 2 pics, will take more tomorrow.

Day 1/3:00AM - Planted seeds into soil after shot glass germing method

Inside of Veg Cabinet

Outside view of 1.5 x 2.2 Ft Veg Cabinet with ghetto intake, will purchase pc fans soon.


Active Member
I'm happy to say that all 5 of my seeds successfully germinated and sprouted today, I guess I will be sticking with the shot glass germination method from now on.

Pictures will be posted up soon, today is officially Day 1 my nirvana grow, lets hope for the best :)


Active Member
Thanks man! But naa, the northern lights I have is the original one from nirvana, not the auto. Although Ill still check out too see how your doing with your grow, hopefully it turns out great!


Active Member
Day2: Everything is growing so fast right now! Every few hours I come back to check out my little seedlings and it looks like they seem to be growing a little bit every time.

Sorry, I couldn't upload the pics yesterday, I can't find the charger to my camera -.- . I'll try looking for it today though, so all pics should be up by today


Active Member
Today I just started foliar feeding, 1/8th strength of my 20-20-20 fertilizer, lets see if they react to it or not.