300 watt led grow

Hey guys this is my first grow and I need some help from some veterans. I'm growing 2 strains. One is master kush and the other is super skunk. Both from sensi seeds. My babies are
4 weeks old and I been having problems the last week with both. The super skunk started flowering only after 1 week and the growth has stopped. The master just was healthy up until I found some very tiny tiny white bugs that jump around in the soil. The master kush leaves are now turning brown and yellow starting from the bottom leaves and working it's way up. I need help on what to do. I'll post pics of them and any input would be greatly appreciated. I water once every 3 days and it's grown in organic mg soil with perlite.


What is your light cycle? (why is your plant flowering after 1 week?)
Where are you growing? (what's up with your ventilation?)
Has your soil dried before you water them again?


Well-Known Member
Are these autos? Hard to believe they were flowering @ 4 weeks unless they where autos.

Edit: Looks like your classic nute burn. I would flush or transplant bro, your call. Also those jumping bugs are good for your soils eco-system. Does your MG have green bb size balls if so remove them all from starting seed mix. Those are time release. they aren't to good for seedlings.
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My light cycle is 18/6 using 300 watt led 18 inches from plant.
I'm using jobes 4-4-4 granular nutes and I only used 1/4 strength. I also fed em superthrive once at transplant which they transplanted just fine and they were healthy as cam be until I noticed the little white jumping bugs in soil. I was told they were springtails and they were harmless. I thought maybe it was nute burn but I haven't really fed them that much nutes. I've fed both the super skunk and master kush the same but only the master kush is having problems. The super skunk is growing very slow buy it's leaves are lush green and looks healthy. The seeds are feminized and are not autos but I think sensi seed sent me a auto on accident. But I wouldn't think it would start flowering after only 9 days. Also I
Only water when the soil is dry. I have a moist meter and I also stick my finger 2 inch down to check for dryness then I water. I know I'm not over watering. I'm using 80 mm exhaust fan and a 40mm intake fan. Would it be okay if I transplanted my master kush into dwc to help with the bugs or are springtails really harmless? They aren't on the leaves just in the soil about 1/2 inch deep. They only jump around when I disturb the soil. I really don't want my plant dying. It's leaves are yellow and brownish and they are getting crispy. It's starting from the bottom leaves and working it's way to the top left. Every 2 days I notice the problems moves up a internode. I'm so lost and I would appreciate any help from any of you veterans put there. I'm a noobie and I paid $11 a seed which I feel I wasted if I can't keep these babies alive. It's stressing me out. My ph levels are good too. Water is 7.0 exactly. I use well water with a reverse osmosis system.


Well-Known Member
Bro transplant and observe your roots, take a pic if you feel you must, then don't feed for a week then start back up again 1/8 strength @ a time. Only water when the pot feels light. I usually let the leaves drop a lil before I water then they stand back up. Hope this helps and I hope some heavy hitters come by and give more feedback. Good luck and Welcome to RIU.
Im growing indoors my light cycle is 18/6 using 300 watt led 18 inches from plant.
I'm using jobes 4-4-4 granular nutes and I only used 1/4 strength. I also fed em superthrive once at transplant which they transplanted just fine and they were healthy as cam be until I noticed the little white jumping bugs in soil. I was told they were springtails and they were harmless. I thought maybe it was nute burn but I haven't really fed them that much nutes. I've fed both the super skunk and master kush the same but only the master kush is having problems. The super skunk is growing very slow buy it's leaves are lush green and looks healthy. The seeds are feminized and are not autos but I think sensi seed sent me a auto on accident. But I wouldn't think it would start flowering after only 9 days. Also I
Only water when the soil is dry. I have a moist meter and I also stick my finger 2 inch down to check for dryness then I water. I know I'm not over watering. I'm using 80 mm exhaust fan and a 40mm intake fan. Would it be okay if I transplanted my master kush into dwc to help with the bugs or are springtails really harmless? They aren't on the leaves just in the soil about 1/2 inch deep. They only jump around when I disturb the soil. I really don't want my plant dying. It's leaves are yellow and brownish and they are getting crispy. It's starting from the bottom leaves and working it's way to the top left. Every 2 days I notice the problems moves up a internode. I'm so lost and I would appreciate any help from any of you veterans put there. I'm a noobie and I paid $11 a seed which I feel I wasted if I can't keep these babies alive. It's stressing me out. My ph levels are good too. Water is 7.0 exactly. I use well water with a reverse osmosis system.


Ok I'll go ahead and do that. I thought about waiting til plants droop a little before watering but wasn't sure if that was Ok but since it works for you then it couldn't hurt if I did the same and I'm sure you've grown better than me. THanks for the info.
Bro transplant and observe your roots, take a pic if you feel you must, then don't feed for a week then start back up again 1/8 strength @ a time. Only water when the pot feels light. I usually let the leaves drop a lil before I water then they stand back up. Hope this helps and I hope some heavy hitters come by and give more feedback. Good luck and Welcome to RIU.


Well-Known Member
Im growing indoors my light cycle is 18/6 using 300 watt led 18 inches from plant.
I'm using jobes 4-4-4 granular nutes and I only used 1/4 strength. I also fed em superthrive once at transplant which they transplanted just fine and they were healthy as cam be until I noticed the little white jumping bugs in soil. I was told they were springtails and they were harmless. I thought maybe it was nute burn but I haven't really fed them that much nutes. I've fed both the super skunk and master kush the same but only the master kush is having problems. The super skunk is growing very slow buy it's leaves are lush green and looks healthy. The seeds are feminized and are not autos but I think sensi seed sent me a auto on accident. But I wouldn't think it would start flowering after only 9 days. Also I
Only water when the soil is dry. I have a moist meter and I also stick my finger 2 inch down to check for dryness then I water. I know I'm not over watering. I'm using 80 mm exhaust fan and a 40mm intake fan. Would it be okay if I transplanted my master kush into dwc to help with the bugs or are springtails really harmless? They aren't on the leaves just in the soil about 1/2 inch deep. They only jump around when I disturb the soil. I really don't want my plant dying. It's leaves are yellow and brownish and they are getting crispy. It's starting from the bottom leaves and working it's way to the top left. Every 2 days I notice the problems moves up a internode. I'm so lost and I would appreciate any help from any of you veterans put there. I'm a noobie and I paid $11 a seed which I feel I wasted if I can't keep these babies alive. It's stressing me out. My ph levels are good too. Water is 7.0 exactly. I use well water with a reverse osmosis system.
Wow I've never seen such a small bloomer. Like!
Are you 100% sure that your power isn't interrupted?

Cross connected light switches? Say, if you are growing in a corner of the room, and the outlet is connected to the overhead light switch for the room?
Are you 100% sure that your power isn't interrupted?

Cross connected light switches? Say, if you are growing in a corner of the room, and the outlet is connected to the overhead light switch for the room?
Had a few power outages due to storms but lights were only off maybe a hour out of the day. I'm not to concerned about the early flowering plant because sensi seed may have sent a auto by accident. I'm more concerned about the master kush that has the problems.
maybe a cal-mag def.?
I was kinda thinking it may be a mag defiency but wasn't quite sure. I figured the jobes 4-4-4 I'm using would feed her enough of everything but I may have to add some Cal mag I assume. Others are saying it looks like nute burn so I've been scared to feed her anymore


Well-Known Member
I was kinda thinking it may be a mag defiency but wasn't quite sure. I figured the jobes 4-4-4 I'm using would feed her enough of everything but I may have to add some Cal mag I assume. Others are saying it looks like nute burn so I've been scared to feed her anymore
IMO you can never go wrong with a little Cal-Mag....its hard to give too much cal-mag from my understanding (follow mixing instructions of course) and some strains crave it more. IMO use it every watering
.... I use well water with a reverse osmosis system.
ESPECIALLY in this case, where trace elements are removed via filtration....
use Cal-Mag every time you water, until the problem goes away, then continue at every other watering. I bet it clears up in a week....
Ok I'll give it some Cal mag. I was wondering if you know of any good Cal mag nutes I can buy. I'm kinda tight on money so a cheap brand will help. Maybe something from Walmart or a Lowes or home depot.
UOTE="FrozenChozen, post: 10451805, member: 848467"]IMO you can never go wrong with a little Cal-Mag....its hard to give too much cal-mag from my understanding (follow mixing instructions of course) and some strains crave it more. IMO use it every watering

ESPECIALLY in this case, where trace elements are removed via filtration....
use Cal-Mag every time you water, until the problem goes away, then continue at every other watering. I bet it clears up in a week....[/QUOTE]


I am no pro i am a new grower but i am 100% the yellowing and crispy is from nute burn sir In what soil did you transplant them? Cal mag is when you see small rust spots you should research before you add anything just use straight water for week or 2 then again just my 2 cents


A big mistake is also using time release nut soil make sure. To ph your water at 6.5 for soil and for the small little guy flowering already i have no clue in whats going on i dont even think autos flower that early
Ok so I'm still having a minor problem with slow growth and yellow leaves. Light schedule is 18/6 I water only once every 4 days usually when pot feels light and soil is dry and I feed it jobes 4-4-4. Problem is the master kush plant is growing very slow and still has yellow starting at bottom of leaves and working up. The super skunk plant is still flowering and is only 3 inches tall. I use ro water and I add Epsom salt every other watering. I'm just curious on why the master kush is growing slow and still shows signs of yellowing. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


Another thing to add is my grow box stays anywhere from 75-85 degrees and the 300 watt led light is 22 inches from plants. I also have two 40mm exhaust fans and one 40mm intake fan. Not sure what humidity is and I use well water with a ro filtration system ph is 7.0.

