2nd Grow, 400w


This is my second grow in my 400w closet. Here's a rundown of the plants: 2 white widow, 1 pineapple express, 3 mama mia, 1 LA woman, 2 northern soul. I upped the amount of plants from my first grow from 6 to 9. I also changed my dirt from miracle grow organic to fox farm ocean forest..WHAT A DIFFERENCE. This dirt is amazing. It drains perfect, no bugs and takes nutes great!! Highly recommend it. My plants are pretty squished in there though so Im debating cutting some of the bottom branches off so they have room to breath (see pic). You guys think I should?? I had them veging for about 6 weeks and put them into 12/12 last night. I'm thinking if I cut the bottoms off the plants I can clone them and maybe save on the cost of seeds, but I do love trying new strains.



Well-Known Member
I hear ya strain changer! Im at about my 70th diff strain. I would clone now if ur gonna. Also, if ur gonna lollipop them, id do it know, or no later than 2 weeks into flower. Look good tho. Good luck!


New Member
ffof is a decent premium soil. went with organicare myself. plants looking healthy. yea chop lower branches - tight space.


thought I would update with some pics. The plants are now 11 days into bloom. They have doubled in size in those 11 days, but thankfully they have slowed down and now are focusing on bud producing. I definitely grew to many plants for the space and next time I will probably just grow 4 large plants. enjoy


Go Go Ganja!

Well-Known Member
wow those look great . did u get your ww from nirvana? u should let me know how the pinapple express compares to the ww. i was thinking about getting some. the ww was pretty good .


I got the ww from attitude seedbank, and they were from seedsman seeds. I also got a blue widow free with that order and holy crap that stuff is amazing. I am looking forward to seeing if the pineapple express is the dopest dope i've ever smoked :)


Just another update. The plants are now 26 days into flowering. I've been watering about every three days and had been adding Flora Bloom to the water every other time. It seems this may have been to much cause the back middle plant is showing signs of nute burn. I will try to solve this by adding nutes every three waterings instead. Other than this problem, things are going very well. Oh and Tartan, the Northern Soul is very good. I had three my last grow. In this pick the NS is the front left plant. Enjoy!



Thought I would close out this thread with one last update. I chopped them all at 9 weeks of flowering. Ended up with just under a pound total. Haven't tried the L.A. Woman or the Mama Mia yet, BUT the Pineapple Express is AMAZING. It tastes so fruity just like pineapple. the after taste is great and the smoke is even fruity smelling. And the high is a great energy body high, I was laughing my ass off. On to round 3 for me: Midnight Kush and Super Lemon Haze



Active Member
Brian those looks impressive, top marks and thanks for the progress pics during flowering! How long did you cure for and what method did you use?


Thanks, I hung them to dry in the rack pictured. I surrounded it with insulation i found at the home store. It's metallic on both sides and bubble wrap in the middle. This is where i also start my plants for the first couple weeks. They dried in about 5 days and then i put them into jars which I open once a day for about 20min, plus i give em a little shake to stir things up inside.


Active Member
cool man, is that rack enclosed and how long do you leave them in the jars for until they are ready to smoke? I've heard the "curing" part of the process is the most important as not doing this properly can turn something nice into bush weed?!


I don't think you could turn good weed into bad weed, but it could mold if not allowed to vent. You can smoke the weed as soon as it's dry. I smoked some mama mia the first day in the jar and it blew my mind. Basically it's curing as your smoking it cause it's sitting in the jars waiting. I would "burp" the jars once a day for a week. I open mine for 15min. Yes my rack is enclosed. This is because I keep it in my grow room and don't want the light getting at the buds. BTW the Pinapple Express and L.A. Woman are VERY good, but the real surprise was the Mama Mia from seedsman seeds. Very trippy like taking X. Full body and head high it is amazing