18/6 or 24/0?


Well-Known Member
Dude! why must you go on and on and on??? Are'nt you ashamed to pontificate in such a shameless manner! LOL!!!!!

I look forward to your next syllable with great anticipation...ROFLMAO!!!

To the OP...I second Bbcchance's rather wordy vote. For an auto, it will bud no matter what light cycle...for photoperiod as long as you have between 14 and 18 hours of light they will veg for as long as you want or need them to. Adding more light's on time will not quicken growth in a vegging plant. But, not adding light time maybe saves you some $$, cuts down on light bleaching, temps and ventilation issues, humidity issues etc etc.


Well-Known Member
Dude! why must you go on and on and on??? Are'nt you ashamed to pontificate in such a shameless manner! LOL!!!!!

I look forward to your next syllable with great anticipation...ROFLMAO!!!

To the OP...I second Bbcchance's rather wordy vote. For an auto, it will bud no matter what light cycle...for photoperiod as long as you have between 14 and 18 hours of light they will veg for as long as you want or need them to. Adding more light's on time will not quicken growth in a vegging plant. But, not adding light time maybe saves you some $$, cuts down on light bleaching, temps and ventilation issues, humidity issues etc etc.