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  • Hey Doc! In the near future i'm planning to pop up some Silver Blaze and some Do Si Dos x Clementine, and doin' some research i found that the Do Si Dos cut used as mother of these strains is the Nerd Cut. Do u have some info about it? I've not found so much information about this cut. Thank u in advance

    I'm also growing some Choco Thai x Prof. Moriarty, they look very promising!
    Hey Doc. How do I become a tester? I got a 5pk of Sherlock's Gift in an order so I've been checking you out and it sure sounds like you've got great stuff. I'm having a hard time finding any of your gear online. I'm in Muskogee Oklahoma, (yeah, some of us do smoke marijuana) and I'd love to be the first official Doc's Dank Seeds tester in the state. Thanks, Doc I hope things are going well for you and yours.
    Hey man, I was reading through some posts and seen you from outside of memphis, what parts if you don't mind me asking, I grew up just south of memphis!!
    I was born in Covington
    Small world, I grew up in Southaven
    Hey doc, I love what you're doing with he hgnw/Tga gear. I'm also currently working on a few similar things....if we can private message id like to see if you'd be interested in testing? this is my new profile...was cannabiscult666 from 08 til this year but started this collective and new profile. But that is to say ive ben watching your stuff for a while now and you my dude are killing it.
    Hi, Dr.D81 . I am new here, browsen and checking out folks grow journals ect. Do you have any journals I can see? You seem like you might be a master from what I've skimmed so far. So you may have something I can learn from you. I am running indoor 5 year old seeds that proly won't even be ready b4 I get the new stock but they are my strain so I wanna nurture em. K peace
    Miss you buddy . Give your son a high 5 for me . Will call you in the am tomarrow
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    Miss you also buddy and you call anytime you want man
    Hey Doc.
    I haven't had much luck in Eugene with local shops weed. Kinda moldy smelling not good taste.
    Do you know of a good shop to buy weed at round here?
    I got some killer Blue Dream up in Washington a couple months back, good price too. But really dont want to have to make that trip again.
    Thanks and happy harvesting.
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    Don't know about buying it around here but I would be happy to hook you up with some for all the cool shit you have given to us.
    Hi Doc, how ya doing? if you even need any help with the trimmin just let me know
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    We are trimming tonight;) haha really though I would love for you to come by and let us cook you guys dinner one night
    High Dr.D81, I'm going to my second grow and I wonder if you can help me w genetics. I really would lov to have a good one running u know.
    Your in one of the places I may move too once my HVAC school is completed up hear in ND. Once upon a time I lived in a small town call Florence
    love the place. Girls would come there from the State college which has a track and field program, I was a runner back than, and the girls were
    just smoking hot. Ya another year and I hi the road, Seattle, Portland, Denver, or Eugene.
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    Right on. We are looking a little more south like wolf's creek down to around grants pass or rouge river
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