mmj clones

  1. 98bubbakush

    How much room do I give my plants growing out the ground

    Ok I'm growing organic out the ground I fuckn dug for a beek strait like two huge grave so I got 1 6foot long 3 ffeet deep and 4 food wide how many plants think I can fit I was going to give em about 15inches a piece from each other but hey I didn't go crazy help me please oh ya will my clones...
  2. 98bubbakush

    Is August too late to start my garden over I'm growing directly out the ground in Las Vegas

    hey guys today I came home and was devastated my pigs ate all my plants they where bush and four feet tall just beautiful holy grail and ghost og damn pigs so now I've gotta start from scratch I cut 10 clones off my mother plants just two weeks ago is what I did is threw two of my mother plants...