hydroponic research

  1. OneChillDude

    About to start hydro closet grow. First grow. Am i missing any supplies?

    I am planning a hydro closet grow. This is what's in my cart currently: - 27"x27"x63" MARS HYDRO grow tent - BloomGrow 4'' Inline Fan Carbon Filter Ducting Combo + Fan Speed Controller + 24 Hour Timer Outlet+Thermometer Ventilation System - ViparSpectra 300w Full spectrum LED light - 6" clip...
  2. Mountainlife420

    mega crop vs Jack's professional vs hydroponic research v+b

    Anyone experienced with these lines and have some info on use and results? Switched a table mid flower from AN(i know it's crap, was trying to use up what i had) to mega crop with good results in spite of problems from an. Second pic is a couple weeks of mega switched after a couple weeks ofof...