
  1. esh dov ets

    what does a cannabis need to grow/what can it use

    This is what I asked the hydro shop guy the first time I went. Well second time as the first time I asked for a salad :) I also asked what was available as a nutrient or supplement product and what was necessary vs extra vs snake oil. And what's the best product or source to get each He gave me...
  2. dabbindylan

    CLONING how its done?

    Ok ive done alot of cloning of many differnt species of plants including cannibis. How do you clone? Pictures n methodology behind what ur doing...personally i have great success with dwc..but im curious
  3. Doogan

    Grower's Notes - beginning to end

    Horticulture: Light, air, water, nutrients, growing medium and heat. Life cycles: 3 to 7 days of germination, seedlings about a month,......depending upon your desired size... Germination: Moisture, heat, and air Together they activate hormones within the durable outer coating of the seed...