Soil/Nutrient Help


Active Member
Hello all! I am growing in 5 gallon buckets, use a 430 watt H.P.S. light. I am new at all of this and have discovered that Miracle Grow soil is junk... Well this soil is unfortunatlely for me what I am using. Someone wrote in one of the threads that one of the problems is that the ph is around 5.0... Could I add horticultural grade lime to my water/nutrient solution in order to raise the ph of the water solution to get me through this current cycle??? If so how much lime approximately per liter of water?
I currently am using BIO GROW 1.8-.1-6.6, Bio Bloom 1.1-2.5-2.0, Earth Juice micronutrient and Spray n Grow for my foliar leaf spray. Is all of this good stuff??? It seems to me that my nutrients are low in strenghth from what I have read on threads compared to what others are using.

I don't know anything, please help.


Well-Known Member
hello fellow ohioan, can't answer the question about lime, but you can get ph adjuster and add it to your water. as for nute strength, i am using foxfarm grow big (6-4-4), and it is pretty good. sorry about the soil, i am using the same shit. won't make that mistake again. i don't use a foliar spray, but let me know if it helps. if you need help with finding growing stuff, i know some places around the dayton/cincy area. peace and good growing.


Well-Known Member
hey have you guys tried the MG organic mix???...I saw this at my lowes and wondered if may be better than the other stuff they usually have....


Well-Known Member
only one way to find out. they have soil testers at lowes, take it out of the package and poke a hole into the bag and test it. post the results.


New Member
Next time add one SMALL handful of Granulated Dolimite Lime to every two gallons of your soil mix.

Here's a great mix:

2 part Schultz's Potting Soil Plus.
1 part Perlite.
1 part Vermeculite.
1 part worm castings.
Add one SMALL handful of Granulated Dolimite Lime for each two gallons of soil mix.



Active Member
Thank you fellow Ohian, Viredd and smokeum all for the help... I have decided to buy new soil very soon, that way I wont be screwing around with the problem.