small growing station


Active Member
i'd liek to grow just 1 or 2 planst indoors i was wondring is tehre any designs i can rig up to make a mini growing station with out using large lamps


CFL's (spiral energy saving bulbs) get the 42 watt 2700 lumen bulbs from home depot and grow in your closet. beyond that read the grow guides herein


Well-Known Member
Check out my grow journal - it's titled 'my very first grow' in the journal section and i give a breakdown of what i'm using... it's a relative cheap set up with one light and i'm growing in a cold uk climate...

I have a small hand built cupboard big enough for 2 plants with one light, an extractor reversed so it sucks fresh air into the box and a vent at the top to let bad air out... essentials are a thermometer... the temperature stays a constant 70° in there, a ph tester, and a moisture tester so you know when to water... after my first two plants died i was gutted, but persistance is paying off... i'm only 11 days into my new grow and the little fella looks amazing... check my journal, hopefully itmay help