Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
Trump’s own lexicon in action ( malapropisms ) …


"the cyber"
bad hombres

At an event with African leaders, Trump twice referred to the fictitious nation of "Nambia."

Observers assumed he was combining the names of two real African countries, Zambia and Namibia. The White House later clarified Trump was talking about Namibia.

Trump left an audience of Christian students confused in January 2016 when he cited a Bible book he described as "Two Corinthians."

Speaking at the evangelical Liberty University, Trump drew a mix of laughter and face-palms when he said, "Two Corinthians, 3:17, that's the whole ballgame."

Alzheimers - Body odor - Mutated Mushroom - Orange Pallor …. Bottom line - Trump is a fucking moron that shits in a diaper.

Ok Bye :bigjoint: