Books... What are you reading? And what do you recommend?


Currently, I'm diving into autobiographies, and your list is giving me some serious inspiration, especially with Duff McKagen's book on the horizon – can't wait for that badass read! Quick shoutout to my guilty pleasure – I recently discovered colleen hoover books in order, and oh boy, they're like a rollercoaster of emotions! If you're ever in the mood for a captivating story that tugs at your heartstrings, check them out. And hey, speaking of order, make sure you dive in chronologically for the full experience – totally worth it!


Well-Known Member
Currently, I'm diving into autobiographies, and your list is giving me some serious inspiration, especially with Duff McKagen's book on the horizon – can't wait for that badass read! Quick shoutout to my guilty pleasure – I recently discovered colleen hoover books in order, and oh boy, they're like a rollercoaster of emotions! If you're ever in the mood for a captivating story that tugs at your heartstrings, check them out. And hey, speaking of order, make sure you dive in chronologically for the full experience – totally worth it!
I just listened to It Ends With Us and it begins with us. Great books and real roller coasters of emotion.


Well-Known Member
I'm rereading all the Tom Robbins novels, starting with Another Roadside Attraction. Anyone who has not read it, Amanda is the hero of the story. This kind of sums her up in a nutshell.

. . . . . . . . Amanda would charge her motorcycle through the meadows searching for rare moths. One lingering afternoon she chanced upon a small group of gypsies camped beneath a willow tree.
Suspecting them to be skilled in such arts, Amanda asked, "will you not reveal to me something of the nature of my true being?"
"What will you do for us in return?" the gypsies ask.
Amanda lowered her long lashes and smiled sweetly, "I will suck you off," she said.
It was agreed. After she had thoroughly pleased the four men and two girls, the gypsies told Amanda, "you are by nature a very curious woman," and sent her on her way.