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  1. N

    Diamond mining?

    the diamonds are not a waxy consistancy, the wax was removed. it can't be waxy if there is no wax.
  2. N

    Diamond mining?

    I would like to know as well... maybe if someone else calls they might get a different rep than I did. my buddy, different guy rhan docs dank seeds, doesn't want his full method told to everyone either or I would put more of what he said.
  3. N

    Diamond mining?

    how is wax if it was if it is dewaxed...? I have still yet to make it bit all the wax is removed, how is it wax?
  4. N

    Diamond mining?

    it says live resin diamonds. diamonds made from live resin starting material. I wouldn't seal any expanding gas in a mason jar... that's why I bought the diamond miner. the people at best value vac don't give full details on it's usage. After I make time to use it I will report back how it is used.
  5. N

    Diamond mining?

    it's not wax either. the stuff in the picture was made from a live rosin batch that was dewaxed.
  6. N

    Diamond mining?

    Not going for crystal and necessarily going for clear either but diamonds. I will get the results I expect once I try to use it. My friends make it and have no problem helping me make it. I just haven't had time to mess with it yet. As I said, it is made in mason jars and does not require much...
  7. N

    Diamond mining?

    it is being made in mason jars, you don't need much to use it. winterizing is easy. I can also dewax with the dewaxing column on my extractor. buchner funnel can be had for about $40
  8. N

    Diamond mining?

    Not in a vac. in a jar or a pressure vessel. the pressure rises from evaporation in a sealed container and it separates over time. Nothing to do with the vacuum oven. Check out Docs dank seeds, he has it down and told me you put in in when it's like syrup. that's it.
  9. N

    Diamond mining?

    people are making it in glass mason jars, don't think pressures are going over 30psi. I was told you put it in the machine while it is a thick syrup consistency and it separates.
  10. N

    Diamond mining?

    I am figuring that out myself now but best I can tell is that after you use a butane extractor you put it in here and let it sit. the thc a sinks to the bottom and forms diamonds and the terpene oil rises to the top. I believe the pressure build up from evaporating butane helps the processes...
  11. N

    Which plates for rosin?

    the cage would help keep plates straight if you are using a harbor freight press. the press tends to lean after a while but if you keep the press tight it will be fine without the cage. the springs on the press with lift the top plate away so the cage isn't necessary...
  12. N

    My 90-135g Closed loop bho and vacuum oven setup

    lol! I am unpleasant to be around if you are ignorant enough to leave comments like the ones in here. Why would I reply to ignorance with kindness? If i wanted any info or a suggestion about a different system I would have asked for it. I did not bit they felt the need to tell me to get a...
  13. N

    My 90-135g Closed loop bho and vacuum oven setup

    there is over $2000 in just the distillation kit and vacuum pump. so feel free to keep posting pointless replies, just know that they are disregarded!
  14. N

    My 90-135g Closed loop bho and vacuum oven setup

    You mean bubble bags then use them with dry ice... oh wait I already have those and a bubble magic machine... why do so many people like yourself and the previous poster think you need to post anything here? why waste your time? you made suggestions to stuff I already own, kinda pointless! some...
  15. N

    My 90-135g Closed loop bho and vacuum oven setup

    who's to say I don't already have one... Oh wait I do! the return is terrible and I got this small system to learn on. I have now upgraded to a full pound system.
  16. N

    My 90-135g Closed loop bho and vacuum oven setup

    Not necessary with such a small system and a n explosion proof exhaust system set up in the room.
  17. N

    How much did you harvest outside this year?

    you would think so but its actually an s7... i just have a broken camera screen. this is how it does taking pics through spider webbed lens protector...
  18. N

    Distillation ZHO

    lastly, before I ignore you buck.... You are a worthless huming being. theives are just as bad as child molesters imo! stealing political signs is still stealing. why take them? afraid your choice can't win so you try to cheat for them by removing the opponents advertising.... Ive watched the...
  19. N

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    white wax around the edge getting filtered out, gold liquid in the center flowing through. wax that was filtered out from the jar in the post above.
  20. N

    Distillation ZHO

    and you prefer hitler i mean hillary... They are both terrible people but at least you know what you get with trump. hitlery will say what she need to depending on who shes talking to, she doesnt stick to what she believes she flip flops on everything. her and bill made nafta and she pushed the...