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  1. TRK

    What to add to 8 cxb 3590 cobs?

    I don't find my way around here that often. Sorry to resurrect an older thread, but felt my question was much along the same lines as the original post I recently went from HPS to CXB3590 CD 3500K 36V. I picked that choice simply because of the wealth of knowledge I had consumed over the couple...
  2. TRK

    Organic Growing Made Easy & Fox Farms Ocean Forest!

    Having said that, Subcool himself says that FFOF is 'known for burning plants and having the wrong ratio of nutrients' he also goes on to say that he feels it would suffice much better if mixed with something like sunshine #4. To be honest I can't state any of this from personal experience...
  3. TRK

    The Dons' Organic Garden

    You want a digital copy brother? Here's a link mate... Don't know if I'm technically 'allowed' to post that, but hey ho, there she is for ya. Nice one; keep em coming
  4. TRK

    Organic Growing Made Easy & Fox Farms Ocean Forest!

    Cool mate I went ahead and mixed it today before I got to read your post but thanks so much for getting back to me anyway eh. It was adapted during procedure and ended up looking more like this: 100 L Bio Soil 70 L Peltracom Peat 50 L Humus 40 L Perlite 25 L Plagron EWC 20 L...
  5. TRK

    Organic Growing Made Easy & Fox Farms Ocean Forest!

    Sorry to trouble you Whitey but I was reading up and saw you'd had some personal experience in creating Supersoil / TLO type mixes. So thought I'd run something by you at the risk of being pushy. I recently posted a mix on another thread, which struggled to gain enough attention, and which has...
  6. TRK

    sharing my modified subcool super soil recipe

    Thanks for the kind words Warble. Nice one... So here is the first shot at a mix. I will not list various mineral contents as that is in my previous post, just amounts of what I reckon I could use... 150l / 5.30cu.ft. Bio Universal Earth 70l / 2.47cu.ft. Peltracom 307 Pro Substrate 50l /...
  7. TRK

    sharing my modified subcool super soil recipe

    Hi guys just wanted to introduce myself and make my first post with some organics-related questions. Any guidance anyone can offer will be highly valued and appreciated. I've recently been pretty taken in by the latest wave of 'SuperSoil' hysteria (yes I am a whore for memes hehehe), and always...