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  1. treeDoc57


    I pinched off all the leaves with the powdery mildew on them. My plant is looking good now. Conditions are still favorable for more to develop. Would running a fan on my plant stop the powder from forming?
  2. treeDoc57


    I am growing outdoors tho. I can't control the climate. The temp has been falling to High 60's and low 70's at night and the humidity is going to be 60% tomorrow. Also, one day the buds and leaves were really crystally and now not so much. This mildew must be eating my buds. These are my...
  3. treeDoc57


    My plants are 4 weeks into budding and have white blotches developing on the leaves. The blotches arent uniform in size or distribution. I'm wondering if this could be mold. I am growing without ferts. There has been dew developing every night and lingering well into the morning. Just wondering...
  4. treeDoc57


    I am slowly piecing my grow room together. I want to grow organic. Being an avid fisherman, I want to make a worm box. Not only can I use the red worms for fishing , but I can collect the castings for my plants. I found a good site that explains worm boxes and how to manage them...
  5. treeDoc57

    what is wrong with our plants????

    You could make honey oil. I'm sure that would get you high.
  6. treeDoc57

    Light question

    Does anyone know of a cheap fixture/reflector that I could use these bulbs with? Also, is the light produced from mercury vapor good for vegging or flowering?
  7. treeDoc57

    Light question

    New to growing and new to the site. I have messed around and grown a small female before using only floros and 100w incandescents. I got some smoke, but very little. I'm looking to get a good yield for myself. I found some lights in my garage and am unsure if they will work or not. The one...