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  1. M

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    If I could like this I would brother but alas I don't have that privilege yet
  2. M

    Please help something is wrong with my Pineapple punch

    It's a learning curve all right, I learn something new every single grow and other peopled methods, it's just grabbing bits of information here and there adding to your own, in 20 years I still be learning
  3. M

    Please help something is wrong with my Pineapple punch

    The biggest hurdle is in the mind, when I first started the thought of topping/cutting the plant appalled me lol, I'm not cutting my plant down, now as soon as I hit 6 notes I chop down to node 3
  4. M

    Please help something is wrong with my Pineapple punch

    How did you get them that bushy, did you fim them?
  5. M

    Please help something is wrong with my Pineapple punch

    That's me sold, damn that's some big bushy girls
  6. M


    Yeah I got 7 out of 15 that's not good odds
  7. M


    Yeah sorry
  8. M


    Hey guys better picture give me the bad news
  9. M

    What is it??

    Lord I can't seem to put a picture up
  10. M

    What is it??

    Hello all A quick moment of your time, anyone have any idea what this is, it was a rogue seed the other 5 are nothing like this, she/he started flowering 2-3 weeks into veg! When I flipped the lights it's turned to this after roughly 3 weeks, not the best pictures, I could get more tomorrow.
  11. M


    Cheers bud I'll just have to carry on until a male shows his ugly head
  12. M


    Hi all could anyone tell me how I'd acquire pollen from, I'm after a certain strain of blue cheese, I've tried to grow a male but it seems I've been unlucky/lucky depending how you look at it, any help would be great
  13. M

    Growing to fast

    Will do charface
  14. M

    Growing to fast

    Sorry that should have been in newbie Central
  15. M

    Growing to fast

    Hi guys/girls quick question, Is they such a thing as growing to quickly? I've seen other growers pictures of 2 weeks old growth and there between 6to8 inches in hight, my buggers are 12" plus after 2 weeks. Do I have a problem?
  16. M


    Or my lord just realised the timer is knackered!!! FML
  17. M


    Thank you all
  18. M


    Do these help fellas
  19. M


    Do these help fellas
  20. M


    I'll get some better pictures tomorrow, thanks for replying lads as it says in the corner I'm a stranger lol