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  1. S

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    He said he thought freezing anything will affect the overall wuality, just like frozen berries although they migh be "fresh" and good will never taste like the "real thing" ;) Frenchy, htis one's for you, nothing fancy but i'm sure you'll love it ;)
  2. S

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Be glad you didnt cut you thumb off haha. Had the same thing happening and still flowered the plant, she did fine - not exactly as good but fine ;) Peace!
  3. S

    Most happy/"anti- depressant" TGA strain?

    Sounds like a winner to me ;) I'll be ordering a 5 pack on my next order, thanks to all of you ;) Peace!
  4. S

    Is that place still rolling?

    I didnt mind to put you in a "hot spot" or anything...did I? Time will tell but although the main lining thread still runs well i aint really the same and i must say i feel like you're right unfortunately. Time will tell. Edit: @Sunni:There as never been as much moding since sub said he...
  5. S

    Is that place still rolling?

    I think he just got bored of repeating the same shit over and over again. Found that today though: Pretty cool shit ;) Peace!
  6. S

    Is that place still rolling?

    Hey Nerds, I just read a post saying that this comunity wont hold together with sub leaving and other like Nug being already gone. It's been an amazing year and a half and i've learned more than i could ever imagine, and i truly believe that this comunity could still keep on going, sure it was...
  7. S

    sharing my modified subcool super soil recipe

    LOL :D Thanks bro made my day haha Peace!
  8. S

    A Message For Sub:

    Amen! Why dont we just go back to growing pot and such...
  9. S

    A Message For Sub:

    Isnt it what that sub-forum was suppose to be? I remember coming on here scared to ask question and reading every pages twice to be sure nto to ask something that had been ask before hahaha More seriously you cant promote yourself and be pissed when newbies ask question. Teaching can be a pain...
  10. S

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Forgot about them design my bad: #1 and the Ganesh one. I think those are the more subtlle while still being pretty complex. But i like vanilla ice cream and plain shirts haha. Peace!
  11. S

    Thanks to Sub,and ALL Weed Nerds for taking my skills to the next level

    Word! THANK YOU to each and every one of you for making this one of the best learning place over the internet, that's what a forum is suppose to be! Peace!
  12. S

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Sorry if you went over this already but would you use the same micron size with dry sieving? - Would it be 76 or 81 with the site that Shawns showed us? Peace!
  13. S

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Very interesting i'll be investigating on my next run ;) Peace!
  14. S

    trim fan leaves during flowering?

    That's it. Why would you debate after reading this. SCIENCE! Thanks man, instinct is good but backingit up with logic always makes you feel better. I might cut a couple of leaves but never would with a "fat" one. If cutting a small to medium size leave will allow a lot more light penetration...
  15. S

    sharing my modified subcool super soil recipe

    Same thing here, i havent harvested one yet but all the plant i'm flowering using the soil are looking phenomenal: Number of bud sites is increased. Frost comes on earlier (serious resin production at week 2 on a sour kush that started producing at week 3/3.5 on bottled nutes) and the amount of...
  16. S

    sharing my modified subcool super soil recipe

    Maybe RO takes has a main dirt that has been sitting for five years plus on wich they add all the amendments. I guess they wouldnt just throw it in there for the sake of it. Don't ask me to find the particular moment where sub says that thing only is usefull for outdoor garden :p He definetly...
  17. S

    sharing my modified subcool super soil recipe

    Hey man , i remember Subcool saying that greensand was useless in indoor as it take about 5 years to break down - you might wanna use it outdoor though. He also said that extra worm casting will never hurt, but he gives a number on the small side as the shit it pretty expensive. I have no info...
  18. S

    Most happy/"anti- depressant" TGA strain?

    Thanks man, i'm getting a 5 pack of Jillybean based on the good feedback you guys gave me on the strain. Gotta love the weed nerd community ;) @TBob: I hear you man. One of the reason i've switched to bigger plant is to have some bud i can actually cure for a couple of month :p Peace!
  19. S

    My hobby (i love this plant)

    Dope! Thanks a lot!
  20. S

    The Weed Nerd~

    Damn we need more of those!