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  1. M

    1st time grow

    rainwater is normally very good to use, only if its not acid rain lol. i usually transplant when the leaves extend over the edges of the pot (so i would transplant now) put a fan on them, if its a very slight breeze, you dont want them blowing over and causing the plant stress yes the plant will...
  2. M

    cfls to arizona sunlight

    i would put her outside if its not blistering hot, if it is get a few more cfls
  3. M


    agreed^ :)
  4. M

    Burn i think?

    i dont think its anything to worry about, the plant still looks very healthy and green
  5. M

    First-time grower. Need advice!

    is your closet 20" x 20" or the grow box you want to build? how high your box needs to be all depends on how tall you want your plant to be, and sufficient amount of room for the light/fixtures. with only 20" x 20", i would personally only do one plant, and TOP/FIM or LST and what not. the...
  6. M

    Thrip Damage?

    that does not look like any thrip damage i have ever seen..
  7. M

    I need info on hps light !!!! Do i need ballast

    yes, you need a ballast with an hps. and this might help answer your second question so probably a 1.5 to 2 square foot area will be perfect
  8. M

    Loseing Leaves

    do you let the soil dry out between waterings? every third day seems like a lot, imo
  9. M

    New home.....

    nice! well keep us updated!
  10. M

    girls going into flowering room

    yeah i would go with the most light you can, you'll be very happy with the results :)
  11. M

    New home.....

    you should definitely be able to get some buds from that setup! aluminum foil doesn't work very well because of the crinkles in it and its not the best for reflecting light.. i would look into getting some mylar or a little bit of black&white panda film
  12. M

    Light brown blotches in middle of leaves - pic

    as for your first pic, that just looks like something splashed up on the plants and it got a little burnt. your second pic, that is totally normal.. some plants have little mutations. as long as your plants are green and healthy looking, youre good to go!
  13. M

    Question on light cycle

    i agree, i would definitely veg for at least 4 weeks
  14. M

    girls going into flowering room

    2 should do the job, but i'm sure you could fit three in there if you wanted to..
  15. M

    New home.....

    i think this is a good idea! you gotta do what you gotta do, its understandable :) my only question.. are you using aluminum foil as your reflective material? i hope everything works out for you, flowering is the best stage!
  16. M

    ScoobyDoobyDoo Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    that's awesome! :clap: congrats man, and welcome to the wonderful world of growing! :leaf:
  17. M

    Unsure about cause of leaf damage.

    Good luck! keep us posted