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  1. medgrow77

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    wow cool pics yall any adivice on nutes for the weeks of flowing?
  2. medgrow77

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    they were ozone burnt and the nut burn relly crisp the weaker
  3. medgrow77

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    and does this site have live chat?
  4. medgrow77

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    no way just a couple of leaves 5 at tha most but any pointer on this air machine and range of nutes ppm for the weeks to cme thanks in anvance
  5. medgrow77

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    and one of these thing i think it messes them up cause it leaves ozone spots and now those spots i guess cause of nute...
  6. medgrow77

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    77 40 hum and avance nutrients caro load piranha bud blood sensi bloom sensizym b-52 big bud bud factor x &bud candy HELP!!
  7. medgrow77

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    growing?? code name crystal strain
  8. medgrow77

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    can anyone how much nutes to use for the first weeks of flowering i got two meters idk which one to go by one will say 110 and the other 131x i droped my nutes to 105 x there crystals at about 2 months leaves dry up over night my hum is around 35 to 40 help and i dont wnt to cut these...
  9. medgrow77

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    HELP THIS IS MY FIRST GROW AND THESE BABYS GREW TOO TALL AND I LDS And i wonder does it look ok. i dont want to cut none and stess her out and less potent but any adive is helpful .these r crystals id say there about 7 weeks and flowering real soon
  10. medgrow77

    hey were u from like usa or what and what strain u got?

    hey were u from like usa or what and what strain u got?
  11. medgrow77

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    excuse me but thoses were topped right,how may times?
  12. medgrow77


    how they look sick
  13. medgrow77


    i really dont blame u
  14. medgrow77

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    hi everyone am new to this and could use ppm goes from 126x to 156x i know they need to be toped off with water evey couple of days but they look ok what ppm shall i use..adavanced nutes she 1 1/2 old.
  15. medgrow77

    ebb and flow double bucket question

    got any pictures???
  16. medgrow77


    got any pictures???
  17. medgrow77


    most of them were pale and small what a ripe off
  18. medgrow77

  19. medgrow77


    this is my first grow any help or advice id gladly take ppm146x ph5.5-5.8
  20. medgrow77


    yea this is like my first grow..there right at a month..these pics are a couple of days old but any adivce..ppm is 146x ph 5.5-5.8