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  1. AchillesLast

    I tried my best to draw Eternity for ya buddy. Hope you enjoy...

    I tried my best to draw Eternity for ya buddy. Hope you enjoy!
  2. AchillesLast

    DMT Extraction Guide: Questions

    Not to bring this thread back from the dead or anything....but I couldn't find a more appropriate space to post this. I could have just started a new thread in the "Inspired Art" section but I think that this really sums up the whole journey for me...even if it is almost a year a later. ANC, I...
  3. AchillesLast

    Will It End?

    Namaste HydroGirl Thank you for responding. I really enjoyed what you wrote here. And you're right, we have done a lot together. That is why I have this truly overwhelming feeling that I don't just want to walk away from "us" because we are very solid. But in its own sense, I want us to be...
  4. AchillesLast

    Will It End?

    I don't have many I can talk this out with whom I can trust honestly to give me an opinion as to whats in the best interest for me, and not how they perceive me to become (i.e. my parents). I apologize for the lengthy post, but I hope one of you internet advice sprites will pass on through and...
  5. AchillesLast

    want to do acid, what should I expect?

    Dang wish I woulda known this before I bought some "acid" off a guy with one hand in San Fran. The paper was clearly torn like normal paper and I totally bought it lol. Anyway, learning experience I suppose. When you lose in life, don't lose the lesson. :peace:
  6. AchillesLast


    this is why I love this website. I learn so much!
  7. AchillesLast

    great tip?

    So I'm driving a client from the Casino I work at, to a destination of his choice and then returning back to the Casino. During the drive we started to talking and he told me he lived in grass valley and was in charge of growing medicinal on his land. Now I get really curious and we start...
  8. AchillesLast

    PE and DMT!

    Just saw this thread for the first time. Congrats Florida, those are rocking yields my friend. Enjoy!
  9. AchillesLast

    DMT Extraction Guide: Questions

    Dude I was totally thinking about that too! I made the connection that entheogens break the system. It's like if culture is your operating system (windows haha), entheogens are like wiping the system and rebooting (to linux/unix if you like nerd jokes). They take what people think are important...
  10. AchillesLast

    DMT Extraction Guide: Questions

    As a quick update to this...I'm going to turn my sketch into a painting so look for that in the art forum some day. It's gonna take me a bit. Sorry to disappoint ANC, but it turned out to be a pretty insane sketch. My girlfriend saw it and told me immediately I should I work on it as my next...
  11. AchillesLast

    DMT Extraction Guide: Questions

    Oh man ANC I enjoy you more and more with each post. puff, puff, pass* Anyway, I'm working on a sketch of an image I have frozen in my memory of something/someplace I saw in hyperspace and what it looked like to me. I just wish I could draw the feeling it gave me as well. I'll post it when I'm...
  12. AchillesLast

    DMT Extraction Guide: Questions

    I shall not fear fear is the mind killer fear is the little death that brings total obliteration Instead I will face my fear I will allow it to pass over and through me then I will turn the inner eye to see its path where the fear is gone, there shall be nothing only I shall remain. If anyone...
  13. AchillesLast

    DMT Extraction Guide: Questions

    Thanks for enjoying the trip report! After I went to hyperspace I have been stuck on and reading to see if my experience was similar to others. Tomorrow I am going to start a sketch with an image of hyperspace that I seem to have stuck in my mind. I went back again to hyperspace...
  14. AchillesLast

    DMT Extraction Guide: Questions

    Yesterday was the day. The first time I hit hyperspace, and let me tell you what an amazing, beautiful and mysteriously frightening experience. I first had wanted to extract this substance to use as an entheogen during my meditation sessions. So I started the evening off with my typical...
  15. AchillesLast

    DMT Extraction Guide: Questions

    Alright so I wanted to update this thread. I finally had the time and energy now that school has finished to tackle this project. A friend and I took it on yesterday and can't believe the results we got. For about 120g of dense powdered bark we got about 90mg. We haven't done the full...
  16. AchillesLast

    DMT Extraction Guide: Questions

    OK so back to this thread, SWIM went to the store to go buy materials for doing this project. But he couldn't find pure Sodium Hydroxide, it also had some Sodium Nitrate in it. Is this OK to use for the extraction, or does it need to be pure Sodium Hydroxide?
  17. AchillesLast

    excellent MDMA experience

    Quick story I just wanted to share. I haven't done E in like 3 years, and I usually limited my drug experiences beyond pot, to psychedelics. But on a whim a friend invited me to a show (The Cystal Method) at this venue downtown. I knew how this guy partied and I decided to say fuck it and go out...
  18. AchillesLast

    DMT Extraction Guide: Questions

    Hey thank ANC! You've been super helpful. I'd rep you more but I can't haha. So basically by slowing crystallizing, you allow the naptha/other impurities to evaporate leaving the DMT crystals. That's tight. Yeah you're right I am gonna have to just do it. Well I purchased my bark, so let's see...
  19. AchillesLast

    DMT Extraction Guide: Questions

    Why do you prefer the long neck bottles? You mentioned that in your guide that I have open and you kind of reference to why. Is it because by your plan, you fill the whole (let's say...) whiskey bottle with your very potent base water mix. Then clear some room in the bottle (so now maybe its 4/5...
  20. AchillesLast

    DMT Extraction Guide: Questions

    in replace of which ingredient? and how would it change it?