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  1. asafan69

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Bumpity bump bump, bumpity bump bump, Look at that frosty go. Why the fuck is this thread so old ? It should be updated daily.
  2. asafan69

    3 Word Story

    No. Abject failure
  3. asafan69

    Mitt Romney Tax Returns Released: Paid Just 13.9% Rate In 2010, Had Swiss Bank Accoun

    I think the system is fucked up and makes no sense, and I fail to see how the current administration has done anything but severely weaken and hurt this country on every level possible. I was a very happy medical transctiptionist working at a non-profit hospital for several years. The...
  4. asafan69

    Ron Paul Clueless about Foreign Policy...

    Yes he is incorruptible but he sounds like a fringe nut. I was undecided about him until I heard and saw him in the last debate. He has SOME good ideas but he comes across as an incoherent nut job. The other candidates were practically rolling their eyes at him. He really looked ridiculous...
  5. asafan69

    Time to smash another mj myth -- is "TOTAL" blackness needed in 12/12?

    Yes, I quite agree, complete total darkness is not necessary. There have been plenty of times I had to open the grow room for whatever reason and, while keeping the light to an absolute minimum, it did not harm my grow/s at all.
  6. asafan69

    Kid turns in mom for smoking pot.

    One day my 7 year-old son came home from school and said it smelled like farts in the house. I had one plant that was nearing harvest. From then on I started growing outside, and I would NEVER smoke around my kids. I also try not to smoke when they are home, but if they are I go outside or...
  7. asafan69

    Well fuck.....looks like it's over

    The federal government sucks. Maybe if they were smaller they would stay the fuck out of our lives. Just some food for thought for election day.
  8. asafan69

    so i need help cleaning my pipe...

    I scrape my pipe out and mix the resin with some shake, then I put a little nail polish remover in a small container, and soak the pipe for a few minutes, clean with Q-Tips and wash with soap and water. Works perfectly and I get to save the resin.
  9. asafan69

    How long until buds start showing?

    At around three weeks they will start to get "frosty" and develop a nice sheen of trics.
  10. asafan69

    Bump If You're Baked!
  11. asafan69

    What happened in your birth year.

    OMG. You are a child. Mine was midnight cowboy was best picture and apollo 10 first orbited the moon.
  12. asafan69

    What happened in your birth year.

    I actually thought that was really good. I would definitely like to send that link to other people. The only thing I would change is the part about As far as the text typing speed, I thought it was fine.
  13. asafan69

    Bump If You're Baked!

  14. asafan69

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Simultaneous Orgasms.
  15. asafan69

    If you cant afford to tip don't go out to eat !!!!

    God damned surrender monkeys is what they are!
  16. asafan69

    Bump If You're Baked!
  17. asafan69

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Peace and love and well wishes to everyone, everything, everywhere. Pretty crazy. We're just a collection of electrical signals concerned with itself.
  18. asafan69

    If you cant afford to tip don't go out to eat !!!!

    I always tip very well whenever I go out to eat. I make it a point as a matter of fact. I always double the tax and add a dollar for good/average service or if I personally liked the waiter. If the service was really good I add 2 or more dollars extra over that. I like to tip well. They are...
  19. asafan69

    laura ingraham is a cunt

    I think she was using sarcasm, and that clip seems out of context.
  20. asafan69

    Seniors who ate pot brownies at funeral hospitalized

    You beat me too it. Really funny though. And sad at the same time.