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  1. iimdomitable

    atrocity's Extremely Monstrous - DWC - Tropicana Poison F1 FAST (3) and Strawberry Cough (1)

    "Breaking news: local enthusiast achieves groundbreaking breakthrough in the world of cannabis cultivation! DWC skeptics, prepare to eat your words! The girls are on the right track and everything is on auto-pilot 8-). @Delps8 Who would of thought PHing the water to 5.8, dialing in the...
  2. iimdomitable

    Auto vs Photo

    Fire post @McStrats personally I've seen alottttta postive buzz around Night Owl auto's and the owner Night Owl Daz. I was reading about their strain "Harvey Wallbanger" and its breathe taking. Im currently running a some Tropicana Poison F1 photo's but 100% considering running the Night Owl...
  3. iimdomitable

    atrocity's Extremely Monstrous - DWC - Tropicana Poison F1 FAST (3) and Strawberry Cough (1)

    Back like I never left...I "think" the girls are doing much better. Last week I completed my "rinse and repeat". Scrubbed out the buckets, pumped out the water, and restarted with fresh RO water and nutrients. Next, i swapped out the tiny golf ball sized air stones for larger 4inch disc shapped...
  4. iimdomitable

    atrocity's Extremely Monstrous - DWC - Tropicana Poison F1 FAST (3) and Strawberry Cough (1)

    ahhh shit here we go again...Lets get it started. I've been a member for over 10+ years lurking in the shadows and now its time step into the LIGHT. This is my first grow using the DWC setup so cut me some slack. My ingredients are: 1 x Phlizon FD6000 640W Full-spectrum Daisy Chain Dimmable...