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  1. W

    Strain Suggestion For Neoropathy

    Thanks again for the info. And thanks for the well wishes. The cancer was caught early and all indications are that it was taken care of with the treatment, but who knows what the future holds. Gave both of us a new outlook on life - she was 31 when she was diagnosed. We are both looking...
  2. W

    Strain Suggestion For Neoropathy

    Thanks Mogie - lots of good info.
  3. W

    Strain Suggestion For Neoropathy

    First I start with a intro: I live in WA state. My wife went through chemo (6 session + 45 days of radiation) due to lymphomia that was found on her fermur. She is now 1 year out of treatment with no sign of a relapse. Thank God. We were both new to smoking at the begining of her treatment...
  4. W

    new grow setup - what does it take

    Sorry - not enough info. Mogie - The grow will be in my house that I own. I have 400 sq ft heated room in the basement for growing that is only used for storage. I live in the country, so stealth shouldn't be a huge problem, but I don't want my whole house smell like pot. Steve
  5. W

    new grow setup - what does it take

    Hi everybody I'm interested in starting growing. I'm looking for recommendations for a newbie setup, probably a 400W soil system. I'd like to harvest about 5-6 oz/ 90 day harvest. I'd like have a simple system that produces good quality bud. I have 400-500 bucks to spend on a...