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  1. L

    How to hang lights in tent

    I used to do that but it made things hang at an angle and it rubbed right against the tent
  2. L

    How to hang lights in tent

    When I do that it makes things hang at an angle and when they are heavy it’s harder to unhook. Plus it rubs against the inside of the tent
  3. L

    How to hang lights in tent

    Can you guys view my other post.
  4. L

    How to hang lights in tent

    These seem nice
  5. L

    How to hang lights in tent

    I go no winch when they are normally hanging and then when I need a different height I attach them
  6. L

    How to hang lights in tent

    That makes sense. That’s why I don’t like s hooks. I have been using zip ties for hanging hvac so it’s super think and super strong I could hang from it myself and I weigh 200 lbs
  7. L

    How to hang lights in tent

    How did you even do that? What are you referring too as a failure point
  8. L

    Pennsylvania GR0W3RS

    Is anyone in central pa on here? Trying to start a community. a c
  9. L

    How to hang lights in tent

    I found after trial and error that personally I think making loops with zip ties and then you can just hook and unhook the lights anywhere you want in your tent. I have these all over just as hook of points. Does anyone else do this? Does anyone know something better than this? I hope this helps...
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    This really helps. Thank you.
  11. L

    Help with mother plant!? plz help
  12. L


    Everything will be going into the tent today
  13. L


    These are the clones. They came from this plant before I transplanted it. What do you guys think about them. They are 4 days old and show a little bit of new growth. They are in a little start R from mills and dipped in clone X
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    This is misty at 3-4 months. I would say this is the last time she was healthy. She is about a year old now. Closer to 11 months. I raised her from clone and due to me getting really busy at work and being away from home for long periods of time she has gotten really close to death. I have taken...
  15. L

    Help with mother plant!?

    That’s what I’m gonna do
  16. L

    Help with mother plant!?

    What’s the grass plant for, when you prune the roots you are putting fresh soil around them correct?
  17. L

    Help with mother plant!?

    Thanks, this is what I’m gonna do