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  1. bob silvey

    Global Marijuana March May 2nd & 9th 2009.

    Global Marijuana March As listed in High Times-- May 2nd & 9th 2009. Lexington, KY. 10 A.M. Main Street Library. I realize it is a long way to travel but our forum at is new and there may be some folks from our area that would be interested. If I am posting in the wrong place please...
  2. bob silvey

    Living with PTSD

    Please feel free, It has been floating around for years. i am not sure if that is the original author or nor. I have seen it on several sites mostly military. It has helped me many times when I am down and out. With all our guys and gals coming back, I think we need to let them knwo we...
  3. bob silvey

    My Personal Story

    I am not sure if this is the proper place or manner in which to ask this if not please help guide me in the right direction. My attorney is trying to make a landmark case here in Ky and would like for those with medical degrees and those who are knowlegable to affirm that my conditions could...
  4. bob silvey

    Letter to the Governor, and legislators in Ky.

    Didn't mean to snap at you, I just think we have become so paranoid of the police state we live in now that more should stand up and be counted. We allow them to keep us intimidated with their punitive actions and the only way I can get my message out is to let them know who I am and what I am...
  5. bob silvey

    Letter to the Governor, and legislators in Ky.

    This has been in every newspaper and the network news and none of it is anything but public info. I have nothing to hide. It is all available on the internet.
  6. bob silvey

    Letter to the Governor, and legislators in Ky.

    I am neither a politician nor do I have any legal experience. I do need help and as a 100% disabled veteran would appreciate if you could make time to read this letter. I am in a situation which is very difficult for my wife and myself and it is affecting my health greatly. I know you are very...
  7. bob silvey

    Living with PTSD

    I don't know if I mentioned it but I have a site for returning vets and chronic pain patients and if anyone needs info on benefits for vets let me know. I have been keeping copies of all the changes in VA policies for several years. I have a couple of very good info site that will help. Welcome...
  8. bob silvey

    Living with PTSD

    I think one of the best things I ever saw was on the latrine board on a FB somewhere and it went: God, this is the beginning of a new day, You have given me this day to use as I wish. I can waste it or use it for good, what I do today is important because I'm exchanging a day of my life for...
  9. bob silvey

    "The illegal green tree"

    I found this a couple of months back and it is very interesting. Makes one wonder why they keep the heat on when the economy is in such dire need of help. "The illegal green tree" You can view it here: Thanks,
  10. bob silvey

    Living with PTSD

    Thanks Abnjm, No I really just sit from time to time and write down things that pop into my head or see. I do have many notebooks that I have voiced my thoughts in and keep them hidden from my wife. (She is nosy!) LOL. I have always thought the power of words is better than violence. I just try...
  11. bob silvey

    What a great idea!

    Even in recession, the world remains full of opportunity. For example, have you ever considered a rewarding career in naked fruit vending? Or marketing your own line of cannabis cookies, naked? Never crossed your mind? Me neither. I have no aptitude for nudity. I always forget to take off my...
  12. bob silvey

    California tax refunds

    This helps drive the point home even more. We have to band together and have the plant rescheduled as a Class II substance at least. Without that legalization is moot. Don't think for a minute that you are safe because your state recoginizes it as a good thing. We have to fight even harder...
  13. bob silvey

    California tax refunds

    Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug in America. According to a national survey performed by the Department of Health and Human Services, nearly 95 million Americans over the age of 21 have tried marijuana at least once. In addition to this alarming statistic, of the 7.1 million...
  14. bob silvey

    Living with PTSD

    PTSD is one of those things that crosses into all walks of life and situations. It doesn't have to be a war. Rape, accidental death, even seeing something very traumatic on TV will hurt some. I use it as a tool to let others know that they are not crazy for having strong emotions in certain...
  15. bob silvey

    My Personal Story

    You know what is needed is action. It is so easy to sit back and once your personal state has opened its mind and allowed those who need the help of Medical MJ to have it to lose sight of what got you there. The efforts of millions are needed to help the other 34 states that have not...
  16. bob silvey

    VV is singing the blues. From seed to Perpetual Weed.

    Thanks VV, the Preliminary hearing is feb 20th, we are being offered 8 years consecutive on every count and between my wife and I it is 96 years! Won't have to worry about this world any longer if that happens huh? LOL. I have news for them. I don't make deals with narcs or cops. I will...
  17. bob silvey

    Living with PTSD

    . A couple of years ago someone asked me if I still thought about Vietnam. I nearly laughed in their face. How do you stop thinking about it? Every day for the last forty years, I wake up with it, and go to bed with it. But this is what I said. "Yea, I think about it. I can't quit thinking about...
  18. bob silvey

    VV is singing the blues. From seed to Perpetual Weed.

    I was referred her by VV and I see a good group of free thinkers. Please feel free to visit us at and we are a new site that is rying to change the mindset in the state of KY. I appreciate being able to be part of this and hope we can change the whole country. it is time for a...
  19. bob silvey

    My Personal Story

    Kentuckians for Medical Marijuana Launches Interactive Website 2009-01-09 The mission of is to organize and lobby for an immediate change in Kentucky's marijuana laws to allow the use of marijuana for all the ailments for which it is therapeutic. For_Immediate_Release: Lexington...
  20. bob silvey

    My Personal Story

    I am writing this to try and get help to inspire the legislators of this state to rethink their position on Medical Marijuana. My Story: I am a 100% disabled Viet-Nam Veteran, I live on a fixed income in constant pain from back injuries and suffer extreme PTSD, severe anxiety attacks, and...