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  1. P

    GG4 harvest, would like a second opinion

    My bad reading that it kind of sounded pushy but on re reading it I know what you’re getting at. I apologize for my brash response.
  2. P

    GG4 would like second opinion on when to harvest

    I appreciate it I will take your suggestions and post updated pictures this weekend.
  3. P

    GG4 harvest, would like a second opinion

    ok bro I just said I was gonna wait another week. I think also depends a bit on your set up not every single cut of GG4 is the same thing shit changes over time. All 70% of my hairs are orange and more turning every day, trichones are all milky with some amber, and then buds have stopped taking...
  4. P

    GG4 harvest, would like a second opinion

    I appreciate the input I’m going to wait another week. I made clones from these plants so I’m going to try another run with a longer flower time.
  5. P

    GG4 harvest, would like a second opinion

    should I keep flushing for the next couple weeks or get them started back on nutrients? i expected an earlier harvest with these clones my friend grew the same ones and harvested in 8 weeks
  6. P

    GG4 harvest, would like a second opinion

    I appreciate the input
  7. P

    GG4 harvest, would like a second opinion

    Nine plants of Gorilla Glue 4 clones on day 56 of flower. I would like to know how much longer you guys think I should keep them up for? Ive flushes for two weeks now. The bottom leaves are starting to turn yellow, this is my third grow in this set up (first with GG4) and thats never happened...
  8. P

    GG4 would like second opinion on when to harvest

    Nine plants of Gorilla Glue 4 clones on day 56 of flower. I would like to know how much longer you guys think I should keep them up for? The bottom leaves are starting to turn yellow, this is my third grow in this set up (first with GG4) and thats never happened but I’m taking it as a sign that...