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  1. Smitty421

    What's happening with my girls

    Check for mites?
  2. Smitty421

    Little buds

    Thanks a lot I will definitely due some more reading And learning! I appreciate all the help and advice!!
  3. Smitty421

    Three week flower -- How does it look?

    She starting to flower so you’re doing good so far lol. Im a first time grower and I’m at four weeks flower
  4. Smitty421

    First time so far so good

    My new hobby
  5. Smitty421

    Little buds

    Thanks! I have a cheap led bought from a big box hardware store. I didn’t want to invest the money on expensive lighting before I knew what I was getting into lol. So far I have learned a lot and I appreciate all of ya for taking the time
  6. Smitty421

    Little buds

    Awe damn see I didn’t know that. I’ve been feeding with the TB since I started flower once a week. I also did not feed any in veg. Next go I’m gonna feed from the beginning. Thanks for the knowledge . Popcorn kush that’s great
  7. Smitty421

    Little buds

    Thanks for all this useful info!! Have the area at 70 Fahrenheit and 65% rh small oscillating fan keeping the air moving nicely. I’ve read about bumping my rh down the last few weeks of flower so I’m going to do that. One question is have about flushing is how do I know when I’m close to two...
  8. Smitty421

    Little buds

    Wow that’s awesome!! I’m gonna definitely implement lst my next go
  9. Smitty421

    Little buds

    Yeah the lighting is my biggest error so far I think. I vegged that for 8 weeks. Can’t wait to upgrade for my next attempt
  10. Smitty421

    Little buds

    Hey thanks for the input! I was going off the day I switch the light to 12/12. They seem to have stopped most of the upward growth this week.
  11. Smitty421

    What ya'll think?

    Hopefully it helps man. Good luck and keep us posted
  12. Smitty421

    Little buds

    Right on man. Appreciate the feedback
  13. Smitty421

    Little buds

    Thanks big Steve. I’m definitely gonna upgrade my lighting before the next attempt
  14. Smitty421

    Little buds

    I’m not really sure where to go with that at this point. What would you do? Thanks for the input
  15. Smitty421

    Little buds

    I’m gonna upgrade lighting before my next go. Right now I’m just using a couple of cheap led. I don’t have nearly enough for these girls. I’m learning a lot though and can’t wait to implement what I’ve learned in the next grow. Thanks for the input!
  16. Smitty421

    What ya'll think?

    what’s your ph
  17. Smitty421

    Week 5

    Cool man thanks for the input. All I have been doing is checking my ph and feeding with tiger bloom. I’ll water twice between feedings as I’m worried about burning the plants. Definitely a lot to learn and keep in tune.
  18. Smitty421

    Im new to this site and the world of indoor growing. I currently have 2 plants.

    Hey man I’m on my first grow also. I’d definitely move that light closer to your plants. I’ve been growing with led. So far so good. Week 4 of flower. I have a little light so I keep it as close as possible without burning the tops. About 12”
  19. Smitty421

    Hairs are prematurely red at the tips

    I’m finishing week 5 of flower and noticed some orange on my buds as well. Is that normal? This is my first attempt any insight is appreciated.
  20. Smitty421

    Flower finishing up week 4

    Beautiful! Today started week 5 of flower for my girl. This is my first grow attempt and my buds are so little still