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  1. Z

    Have to hide plants for a couple days

    I have someone coming over to visit for a full day for sure, possibly 2 days. Luckily my plants are still in pots so I can move them. I was thinking of just putting them in my closet for a few days until my guest leaves, but I'm wondering how this will affect the plants. What will a day or two...
  2. Z

    Why aren't they delivering my seeds package?

    So my seeds are here but unfortunately I don't have them yet. Yesterday (23rd) the post man left a "sorry we missed you/redelivery" form. It said my package would be ready to be picked up at the post office as of this morning (24th). I don't get it.. my seeds do not to be signed for, it is...
  3. Z

    What does HOT DRY weather do to buds?

    I can't find a definitive answer on this. I've read that high heat and dry conditions are great for cannabis, in that it encourages resin production. This makes sense to me. And then, I've also read that cannabis STOPS growing in high heat situations (90 + degrees F). Do they only...
  4. Z

    Starting seedlings outdoors?

    Hi all. I sense this has been asked before but I haven't found what I'm looking for in searching. This summer I'm doing an outdoor guerrilla-style grow, but I plan to starts my seedlings at home. At first I was just going to veg and start the seedlings indoors (I have the basic...
  5. Z

    Steer manure

    It's $1 a bag here and I'm wondering how useful it could be for an outdoor grow? How would I go about using it? Also, if I add the manure with the store bought organic soil mix I'm using will it be adequate for a healthy soil mixture? Anything else I'd need to add?
  6. Z

    Outdoor grown... Cheaper?

    I've often seen/heard people referring to prices... And they often list indoor grown as more expensive, with outdoor being a little bit less. Why is this?
  7. Z

    Outdoors LST questions - Himalayan Gold

    Hi all - So I'm going to try and grow a Himalayan Gold (among other strains) this summer outdoors. I've heard these plants will get huge and produce big yields. I plan to start it indoors this spring. I want to LST it starting indoors, and then transfer outdoors in early summer. Has...
  8. Z

    How can I make a simple, cheap organic mix?

    I've got my light and my grow cabinet nearly ready to go, and my seeds are germing. So I need to get my soil mix tomorrow. What's a simple and cheap way for me to grow organic? Can I just start with a 100% organic soil and add in blood meal, bone meal, perlite, and worm castings? What...
  9. Z

    How to grow organic? Unclear

    I'm looking for the smoothest, purest smoke for my grow. I know growing organically would be best, but I'm still unclear on exactly what that means. I see posts on making an organic soil mix and letting it sit for months. Only problem is I don't have time for that. My main question is : what...
  10. Z

    Any reason not to? Flower from seed experiment

    Hello all. I've got some G13 Power Skunk seeds that came free with my order from Attitude. Until I can get all my official grow material bought and in order (going to take longer than I proposed, hence why I bought seeds so early) I was thinking I could try a little fun experiment grow...
  11. Z

    So what the heck should I use for a grow box/space?

    I've got pretty much most of my grow figured out. My biggest ordeal has been deciding what I will actually grow in. The space I will be using is my closet. This leaves me with about approx. 4' x 2.5' x 5' for my grow box or grow tent. I'm fairly good with wood and have many wood working tools...
  12. Z

    Do you always have smoke?

    For everyone who grows themselves - Do you tend to always have weed to smoke? My main reason for starting my own grow is because I'm tired of only being able to score a small amount of SHITTY weed that only lasts me a week. And then I'm dry until I can find some more. I hate getting off a hard...
  13. Z

    Shipping seeds options from Attitude - confused

    Hey all - Just about to place an order with Attitude and their shipping options confuse me. I'm tryin' to keep it as cheap as possible. They have a plain ol' international shipping with tracking and no signature required. And they have international STEALTH shipping with t shirt. I...
  14. Z

    Would this work for a grow box? Portable closet

    Would something like this 36" Portable Closet or this 60" Portable Closet work as a small grow room/box? If I were to recover the outside with a dark tarp or thick fabric to block the light? Or would the material get too hot?
  15. Z

    Rubbermaid grow boxes - Yield?

    For all those who have home-brew rubbermaid (plastic storage tubs) grow boxes, what are you yielding in dry weight per plant? Approximate/average... CFL's or HPS? What strain or type of plants? Thanks...
  16. Z

    How precise are strain differences?

    I'm planning a first grow over winter and I'm curious about all the strains and how noticeably different their traits, tastes and highs are from one another. Do you notice the difference between two different strong indica dominant strains? Such as two different strong indica strains but with...
  17. Z

    Enough height? Vertical limitations

    Hey all, I'm looking to start my first grow. My initial goal is an outdoor guerrilla grow but I'd like to start inside over the winter to get my feet wet. My only problem with indoor growing are space requirements. I have a room inside my garage (room inside a room thing) and I have an...