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  1. T

    Cfl vs led

    I was watching a video on youtube where someone has a seedling under a cfl and a led both lights are slightly offset one to the right one the left even tho the cfl is closer it seems to be reaching to the led anyone else experiance this or something similar? heres the vid check it out...
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    First Grow Starting to flower (WITH VID)

    As the title says this is my first grow you can follow back on my previous threads if you would like to catch up on the grow............ Basically its a low budget dresser CFL SCROG soil grow long story short.... As for right now I'm currently on day 6 of flower the footage was taken on day...
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    Anyone actually know how to grow and know how to answer questions..... HELP!!!!!!!!!!

    So Ive been on here reaching out for help for a few months now and have gotten nothing.... Almost none of my questions have been answered no one has commented on my plant. I have a list of threads all containing great descriptions of my grow as well as a ton of pictures but no one can seem to...
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    24 hours darkness vs straight to 12/12

    Thoughts on which method works better 24 hours of darkness or just flipping straight into the 12/12 light cycle?
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    Can someone help me out/

    please check this post and see if you have any ideas as to whats wrong
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    Browning on mini plant grow

    so basically one day all is green and frosty i got 4 nice little buds getting bigger on this small plant then the next its not looking so good at all. is this bud rot? or mold of some type? should i just pull it and harvest? or should i pull it and toss it?
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    My Scrog attempt 1st grow a picture is a thousand words

    As the title says pics.....
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    skillet and ti pad or glass dome and nail set????

    Which do you prefer and why? Is titanium really better than glass? does one smoke better than the other in general? Which is better for a first time dabber? Any answers greatly appreciated and dont get me wrong ive smoked bho and wax just never dabbed as ive never been able to afford a rig...
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    Keck clip sizing

    Ok so i just recently bought a 9mm glass on glass bong 9mm thick all the way through even the joint. This said the joint is huge the outer diameter is 32mm but its a regular 18mm joint that fits a 14mm down stem. I believe id need a 18/32 keck clip but I've never seen one and the numbers are...
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    Light cycle?!?! PLZ HELP!

    Ok so ive had my grow going a while now i consulted a friend who i got my supplys from as to the light cycle i should run. He said he'd set up my timer for me, he suggested i just run a 20/4 because i wanted a shorter veg cycle. I asked about a 24h cycle and he said the plant will grow but it...
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    Budget grow

    So I'm about 2 weeks or so into my first grow. Very minimal as for the set up i have 2 clones (1w/2w) and one seedling(12days) currently in a small homemade tent aprox 2'/2.5'/3' under a 250 watt 6500k CFL on a 18/4 cycle, basic 10-20-10 plant food mixture in a soil medium. I water every other...
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    Any ideas whats wrong with my clone?

    Just got it a few days ago it had some yellowing and rust as well as one dead leaf. I was told by a friend to pinch the dead leaf off so I did not sure if I should have? But I've seen no change in that area. After that I tied down the one branch it had as it was above the main top so I figured...