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  1. jsynicky

    Defoliating an auto early flower stage?

    Hi All, would it be wise to get rid of some excessive leaves and popcorn buds, or should I just leave her go. I’ve heard mixed opinions on defoliating auto flowers. thanks
  2. jsynicky

    First grow on coco. Is this a nutrient issue?

    First grow in coco and leaves look kind of pale and blotchy. Am using canna coco A and B, plus canna rhizotonic and canna cannazyme. Any advice would be much appreciated. thanks
  3. jsynicky

    Is she dying??

    Hi all, I have an auto seedling that does not look well at all and I think she is dying. Not sure if too much light, too much water or issue with nutrients in soil. Any thoughts on this is much appreciated.
  4. jsynicky

    Time to harvest or to leave a while.

    Hi all, Wondering on chopping this as a lot of orange hairs and buds are very dense. I don’t see amber trichs but haven’t got the best magnification device on hand. thanks
  5. jsynicky

    Should I flush now?

    Hi, forbidden runtz auto. Seems to be on week 8 from seed. thanks
  6. jsynicky

    Is this a sign of a hermie? Or just empty seed pods.

    Hi all I have noticed approx 4 of these swollen pods at base of each branch of my auto. I have other plants in same tent so are worried that this will damage the crop. Thanks Nick
  7. jsynicky

    6 plants in 1m x 1m tent. Too crowded?

    Hi All, I have a 1 x 1m tent with a maxbright LED 300w. I have six autos in 12L pots using canna soil. Am I being too optimistic with this amount of plants in this space or do you think I’ll get away with it. thanks Nick
  8. jsynicky

    Drooping. Have I overwatered?

    hi all, I have a strawberry pie auto in canna terra in a 12 litre pot . I give her just over 1 litre of water with half recommend canna feed every 2 days. thanks for any advice Nick
  9. jsynicky

    Yellowing tips of leaves

    Hi all, I am seeing the tips of my girls slowly yellow over last few days. I am using canna soil and canna feed which I use with every water (every other day). Am I feeding too much? Or overwatering. Any advice would be great. Thanks Nick
  10. jsynicky

    Mutant plants? Help please :(

    Got given some , apparently, white rhino autos.... never seen such strange plants. Should I get rid of them? They have been on 18/6 lights for 24 days and the leaves don’t even look like weed ... all leaves and heads tightly packed very dark green and look genuarally unwell :( Any ideas / help...
  11. jsynicky

    Major mutants :( what is this?

    hi all Got given some , apparently, white rhino autos.... never seen such strange plants. Should I get rid of them? They have been on 18/6 lights for 24 days and the leaves don’t even look like weed ... all leaves and heads tightly packed very dark green and look genuarally unwell :( Any...
  12. jsynicky

    Seed pods on female plant. Should I worry?

    Hi all, My female plants seem to be growing seed pods between branch stems and bud stems. I have taken a pic but can't get a clear macro one. They are a week or so from being ready. All autos and small as under CFLs .. very sticky and smell lovely but worried they are starting to seed. Any...
  13. jsynicky

    Should I trim some leaves?

    hi all Should I trim some leaves to allow light through or will that damage the girls? They are autos and about 7 weeks or so in Thanks
  14. jsynicky

    Should I trim some leaves?

    hi all Should I trim some leaves to allow light through or will that damage the girls? They are autos and about 7 weeks or so in Thanks
  15. jsynicky

    Strange leaf problem

    hey all, Below pic is a triple cheese 19 days into veg. I have 2 on the go and the other ones leaves are all a lush green but this one seems to have like faded blotchy patches over a lot of the leaves. Any ideas on this would be great. Thanks
  16. jsynicky

    Fox tailing ??

    Hi all, I had to go away for a few weeks and left my bro in charge of watering etc.. On my return I notice plant looks a little strange .. Bottom buds have like 60 to 70 % brown hairs but top buds look like they are stretching and leaves look a little odd .. Any ideas? Should I just chop? Thanks
  17. jsynicky

    Help! Is this plant male?

    Hi, I have these two plants (autos) growing and I'm not sure if they are male or not :( They don't seem to be getting any hairs. I know that as these are auto's they should just start flowering on their own but as I have them in the same space as two other plants (no auto's) I have just...
  18. jsynicky

    Male!!!! Horrible feeling this is male but prob to early to tell :(

    Hello all, This is only my forth grow. The last 3 came out pretty good. I do not know what strain the last three were as got given the pips. This seed, I was told, is a feminized White Widow. I have vegged for nearly 5 weeks and switched the lights to 12 x 12 only a couple of days ago. However...
  19. jsynicky

    Should I harvest now?

    Hi All, 8 weeks now since switching the lights to 12/12. Most of the trichs are milky and some are amber. But still the odd clear one here and there. Have been feeding just plain water for last 10 days. Thanks
  20. jsynicky

    Should I trim or not?

    Hello all, This is only my second grow so please bare with me. The two girls had the lighting switched to 12/12 5 weeks ago. I have been using LST method to keep them low and try and keep an even canopy. They are starting to get really bushy so should I trim off some leaves or leave them be...