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  1. M

    Anyone help with these droopy leaves?

    Hey guys so I’m about 4 weeks in from seed growing in coco with eco thrive charge. Temps:24-26c lights on/20-22 lights off Ph:5.8-5.9 Using shogun nutes at half strength and cal mag at half strength. Over the last few days some of my bigger fan leaves have been a bit droopy and clawing, I did...
  2. M

    Should I start 1 week flush? (Pics included)

    Hey everyone should I start to flush these plants for a week they are growing in coco coir I think the last photo could go another week maybe as the pistils are still sticking out straight. Ill be going to pick up a magnifying glass tomorrow to have a look at the trichomes kinda looking for the...
  3. M

    Another week of advanced nutrients big bud?(pics included)

    Hey everyone I have 4 shiva skunks this is my first time growing today is the start of week 5 should I add another week of big bud then over drive for 2 weeks reason I'm asking is the buds don't look to be fattening or swelling up much one plant has quite a few orange pistils got some pics here...
  4. M

    Is this nute burn?

    Hey everyone I have 4 shiva skunk plants under a 600 hps plants are 35 days old nearly all my fan leaves are yellowing and going crispy at the edges a friend of mine said when he seen them that the plants where using the last of their nitrogen because I just changed straight to bloom nutrient...
  5. M

    Run off or no run off in coco?

    Just really wondering if you should water till run off or not in coco read quite a few sites saying a bit of both. I read ask Edds coco guide and he says to water frequently low doses but you can hit em hard when you want? Btw this is my first grow have 5 shiva skunk at about 6 weeks. I've not...
  6. M

    are my plants healthy?

    hey everyone thanks for looking. this is my first grow using 10l pots with pure coco and ionic nutrients my plants are about 5 weeks old from sprout. Currently feeding 24ml of ionic grow 10ml of cal mag and 16 ml of rhizotonic ph is going in at 5.8 and run of reads 6.2 temps usaully between...