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  1. greenswag

    my PE jars

    Hey fellas so all my jars seem to be less brilliant white closer to the top and become more pure white with perfect rizomorphic (spelling?) growth as they spread down. I feel like there is nothing wrong but I'm just looking for a second opinion. Here's a pic of one of the jars, I wish it would...
  2. greenswag


    Alright so I have a salvia 20x extract in a couple days. I've read as many trip reports as I can mentally stomach on erowid. I will have a sitter, a long time, best friend my entire life who I trust with that life. I guess I'm coming for any last minute tips before I dive in. Anything to...
  3. greenswag

    uh oh! ... uh oh?

    hey fellas! been a long while since I've made a thread here. I've let go of growing the green and moved onto cultivation, I like it much more for some reason! annnyway I'm about to do a run of pan cyans but knowing they can be a bit more finicky I was checking the shroomery for some last...
  4. greenswag

    North Korea

    This won't be a fear mongering thread, I'm just going to keep it updated with info as things progress. Feel free to discuss. Don't pay much attention to what sources I pull from, I simply google North korea updates and click on the articles that focus on facts rather than bias remarks about...
  5. greenswag

    Any over the top dreams?

    No I don't mean sleeping dreams, you can share those too though if you want lol. I mean does anyone have any over the top dreams that they want to do in their life before they die? When I retire my ultimate goal is to build a large ship. One that resembles the old ships from the 14 and 15...
  6. greenswag


    If any of you have every played either the of the third or fifth elder scrolls games, Morrowind or Skyrim, chances are you've run across the drug moon sugar, which makes the more potent drug skooma. (it kicked ass in morrowind lol) Playing skyrim today I ran across a book, "Confessions of a...
  7. greenswag

    Money and furthering as a species

    So last night I was thinking (don't remember what brought this to mind but I think it had to do with cn and the genetically altered weed debate). We can almost all agree that the space program is important and getting humans to further planets and space exploration as a whole can help us as a...
  8. greenswag

    New year resolutions!

    I'm surprised I can't find a thread on this already made! (unless I'm missing it lol) What are your resolutions for the coming new year or do you think it's total bull? Plan on smoking more marijuana, less marijuana? Quitting a bad habbit, starting any new good ones? I personally don't have...
  9. greenswag

    Wait..can I?

    After seeing this thread in toke n talk- thread I wonder, if he can do that with it possible to just finely grind up some bud, and add it to cookie dough before baking? I don't grow atm so I have no trimmings to go ahead and make cannabutter, so this sounds like a good (though...
  10. greenswag

    60 cents?

    So last night I was at walmart and on the way out a fella comes up to me "hey man, can I just ask ya, all i need is 60 cents thats all". I appologized because for once in my life I didnt have a cent on me (only my cards). Otherwise I would have asked his situation and given him like 5 bucks or...
  11. greenswag

    Play any instruments?

    I'm not sure if there's already a thread on this but.. Does anyone play anything? It doesn't even have to be tangible, if you make some wubstep in fruity loops then say so its still making music! Bang on pots and pans with spoons? Say so! There's a group called stomp that comes around here...
  12. greenswag

    blind, deaf and still hallucinating

    So a thought came to mind today and I was wondering what the rest of your opinions might be on the subject. The question was, if someone was blind from birth, could they still have closed(or open) eye visuals? And obviously immediately following that question I thought, and if a person was deaf...
  13. greenswag


    I may or may not be planning on trying it sometime in the distant future. I was just wondering have any of you friends ever meddled with it? What was it like for you? How did you prepare it, and do you have a favorite way to prepare it? Just give me some of your past experiences if you've had...
  14. greenswag

    your thoughts on cabinets?

    Hi RIU! This is my first time making an actual thread here though I've been lurking around reading for a while. I wanted to know what are your thoughts on the premade grow cabinets? In peticular I'm thinking of buying this one The site is what used to be...