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  1. maiohwrofemvul

    Ran out of room like WHAAAA?

    Planted 4 Seeds expecting maybe 2 Fems... Bam 4 Fems lol no room What to do?????
  2. maiohwrofemvul

    What is this poking out of my bud???? "Detailed pic"

    What is that?? i circled it in red.... Tripping me out..
  3. maiohwrofemvul

    What is this coming out of my bud?

    What is that?? i circled it in red.... Tripping me out..
  4. maiohwrofemvul

    Electrical question for Pc Fan..... HELP

    ok Math isnt my best subject n im just getting a head ache... basically im just curious and dont want to start a fire.... ok my fan draws .11 Amps, Dc converter is 700ma..... now does this mean that the converter is .7amps? which would be bad cause you would want the dc converter rating...
  5. maiohwrofemvul

    Electrical question for Pc Fan.....

    ok Math isnt my best subject n im just getting a head ache... basically im just curious and dont want to start a fire.... ok my fan draws .11 Amps, Dc converter is 700ma..... now does this mean that the converter is .7amps? which would be bad cause you would want the dc converter rating higher...
  6. maiohwrofemvul

    Clone Experiments...

    So i rooted a clone in Mg dirt with no root hormone and she is doing great in the solo cup i rooted her in and is now lst'd and in the 12/12 chamber just as a lil experiment... i am now rooting a clone that was about 4 weeks into flowering and has a lil bud on it already but i am trying a...
  7. maiohwrofemvul

    Hermie or full female **help***

    im not sure and i dont want to leave it in with my for sure female seems like this one is taking a lot longer to bud then the other one i have no other questions other then your opinion on is this a hermie or a female... you can see the hairs shooting out at the top nodes but then i got these...
  8. maiohwrofemvul

    Lil Ladie Bagsead Flowering

    What yall think so far?
  9. maiohwrofemvul

    Is This a Male?? first signs i've noticed on this one.. *Help*

    would just like your opinion, Male correct?
  10. maiohwrofemvul

    First Female of the group?? IDK

    i wish the pic was a lil clearer but i am almost positive that its a Female...
  11. maiohwrofemvul

    Whats the Earliest yall have topped with good results?

    Whats the Earliest yall have topped with good results? i want to top as soon as possible, i keep reading 4th or 5th node.... can you top sooner if you would like? My plants are 12 days old....
  12. maiohwrofemvul

    Day 11: Here You Go Jesco

    How they look? i know i know shouldnt have used miracle grow... owell 3 plants have a feeling the last one is a male...