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  1. xxxcmackk

    topping my plant?

    ok,,,lots of discussion on topping a plant,,,,,most of which say to keep its height down and create more shoots,,, will toppping the plant give a better yeild or is method used for control....i have a nicce 3.5 footer out back and not really concerned about how tall it will get( bigger the...
  2. xxxcmackk

    clone is root bound and started budding...?

    i got called to work and wife didnt listen to instructions lol....anyway i left for 2 weeks and i come back to my only untransplanted clone still sitting in a cup and is starting to bud,,can post a pic but im sure we all know what a budding plant looks me never having this happen...
  3. xxxcmackk

    question on topping

    so i have 5 nice clones going just great, about 12inches at this point,,,i was thinking of cutting a few clones since its early in season...question is should i just cut the tops of and clone them or cut a few small ones and continue cloning them,,and will one or the other root faster for me..
  4. xxxcmackk

    white powder mold or mildew on my clones

    i have 5 clones that i transplanted into some bigger cups after they were rooting 2 weeks later they are growing and looking awesome,,,but ive started seeing white powdery stuff on leaves, and on the stems,,, how do i eliminate this problem..i have had them in my sunporch with...
  5. xxxcmackk

    raccoons....dam raccoons

    ok so i put a few plants into the ground yesterday,,,i go check on them this mourning and 3 plants ahve been ripped out and the holes all dug up,,thank god 2 were replantable, and only one the roots were all ripped up, im assuming a raccoon. now the question is how do i keep these rodents out...
  6. xxxcmackk

    cloning tray outside.

    would it be safe just to throw my cloning tray outdoors while waitng for them to root....i just cut them today and was going to put them under lites on 18-6, but thats pretty much the same schedule as outside...
  7. xxxcmackk

    changing light cycle

    ok, i have had a few mothers growing since last october and a few freshly rooted clones under the same light...i have had them on 24hr lighting the whole time.. my question is if i change the light cycle to say 18-6 will that screw up everything...thnks for any info..
  8. xxxcmackk

    keeping fresh cut clones green

    was wondering what others do to keep their fresh cut clones from turning yellow so quickly and staying nice and greeen
  9. xxxcmackk

    stoner food

    ok well i generally grew some mj this year and currently super stoned on it rite stoned i dam near ate all the kids rice krispie squares they made after school...they will kill me in the mourning...but they were fucking good.. so my question to you is ,,whats your favorite stoner...
  10. xxxcmackk

    dried stocks

    anybody do anything with thier dried stocks to get high,,or just throw them out... i have quite a few in the compost bin that the raccoons love chewing on..but the bin is getting full..
  11. xxxcmackk

    anybody ever try super cropping??

    i have heard a few fellas mention "super cropping" ,does anybody have any expierence in this? can i try it on a plant thats alraedy budding?
  12. xxxcmackk

    clone leaves are curling..

    clones have been rooted and growing now for 3 weeks,,,all seemed to be doing well then i noticed the newer leaves started curling,,any suggestions or opinions.
  13. xxxcmackk

    lighting question..

    bare with me plaese, ok for 1 ,i dont usualy grow indoor besides clones...and 2, i have had this clone since july that got stunted or something i dunno but it just didnt grow,but it did stay alive and get super crystaly at about 5inches tall and then started budding... anyway i brought the...
  14. xxxcmackk

    hang dry in garbage bag..

    a friend said he hang dries all his in a garbage bag,,,pokes a hole in the bottom for the stock and puts her in upside down so i dries in darkness....anybody hear of this or tried it as i have really no big dark room or anything for them to hang..
  15. xxxcmackk

    ok..if you can see good enuf long to chop in your opinion.

    ok so i brought these ladies in my sun porch to finish,,due to early frost and hellla rain and cold.... i have no leaf discoloration at all, every leave looks wonderfuly green,,and hadnt noticed any major swelling, but most pistols are brown,,and i dont have a microscope to look at...
  16. xxxcmackk

    are lites beter then a cloudy day

    ok so i brought these 2 ladies in from outdoors cause im in canada and battling early frost,mold,and lots of rain...i put them in my sun porch cause it same as being outside without the rain and cold as the sun porch is all windows.... My question is ,,i have 4-4ft florecsent lights i use for...
  17. xxxcmackk

    xxxcmackk 2010,,last ladies standing...

    ok heres my last 2 ladies standing,,battling cold rainy canadian weather and mold i decided to dig them up and put them in buckets and bring them in my sun porch to finish..i didnt get them out til mid july as 1ft tall clones and both same strain ....what ya think and how much time left if ya...
  18. xxxcmackk

    couple questions...opinions and suggestions please...

    ok so im in canada and didnt get plants out til mid july (yaya dumbass i am) anyway now im in risk of stupid early frost and nothin but rain for weeks to come which is causing me bullshit with mold....these 2 ladies are looking and smelling super and i want them to finish which they will not...
  19. xxxcmackk

    anybody know a good place and good time of the year to pick shrooms

    just a thot while being high..
  20. xxxcmackk

    where and when

    im usualy growing pot or smoking it i was stoned today with a buddy and we got talking about shrooms...its been a long time and we cant remember where or when is best place and time to pick them.. anybody help me out..thnx,