Search results

  1. 30yrsinthefield

    New Marijuana Patients & Caregivers get super-chronic under $20

    With some dispensaries charging as much as $75 dollars for an eighth of medical marijuana, and some illegally-grown marijuana from the streets selling for about $40 dollars an eighth. It sounds like the price of medicine can get very pricey these days. I'm going to tell you (marijuana...
  2. 30yrsinthefield

    Cooking with Cannabis Do's and Dont's

    Peanut Butter Bud Cookies The following is a list of some of the things you should and shouldn't do when you are cooking with marijuana. This list is by no means complete! Feel free to comment to ad your own to the list! DO Take your time! A rushed cannabis cooking extraction (like...
  3. 30yrsinthefield

    Marijuana Clones vs Marijuana Feminized Seeds

    Should you use marijuana clones or marijuana feminized seeds for your garden. Well I can say that I have used both clones and feminized seeds in my indoor grow room, and the results from each one was a chronic green dream. I have put together a pros and cons list to help you make this decision...
  4. 30yrsinthefield

    BLACKJACK, 7-150watt CFL&2-4ft for VEG, Drip Hydro cloner

    Hey guys, I have another set up going and wanted to get some possible tips or just your thoughts on it. I started with 5 fem. blackjack seeds Feb 1. All 5 look great. They are in an organic pre-mix soil from the nursery, I mixed in some bat guano with it. I water with R.O water with some...
  5. 30yrsinthefield

    Ebb n flow<advance nutes> 400 hps

    Whats up. Just wanted to share one of my set ups. I am a medicle patient who usually grows in soil, but I think it's time to make the right move and grow with hydroponics.. I'm using bag seed for my test rats.. The plants were vegged with fluorescent lighting(20/4) for 7 weeks then moved into a...
  6. 30yrsinthefield

    Trimming your plants during flowering good or bad?

    Does any body trim there :leaf: during the flowering stage. I don't and get great results. But have been told and even read some post on trimming all your big leafs to focuse all energy towards the buds.. I would think this would take away from the buds growth, do to trying to heal the cuts...
  7. 30yrsinthefield

    The best looking grow room!!!

    :leaf:Hey I'm building a web site and looking for some pictures to paste on the site.. If any one could send me a PICTURE of THERE OWN grow room or set up or pics of big buds, crazy looking plants, ect.. If your pic is what im looking for and you don't mind if i use it, I'll give you the site...
  8. 30yrsinthefield

    What does a 11 leaf marijuana plant tell me.. Help

    :leaf:If my one female plant has Eleven leafs. What does this tell me. Compared to 9:leaf: :-(leafs, 7:leaf: or even a 5:leaf: leaf plant.. Is this a way to tell it's strain. Or what kind of plant it is. I have tons of thoughts but no facts. Can anybody help.....:wall::leaf::-P
  9. 30yrsinthefield

    If you want to grow Pounds, then know this.

    :weed:This will help you grow as much as you want. :leaf: Mobile nutriens re-translocate within a plant, they move to the specific part of the plant where they are needed and cause older leaves to show deficiencies first. Nitrogen, Phosphours, Potassium, Magnesium, and zinc are all mobile...
  10. 30yrsinthefield

    How a marijuana plant works.

    :leaf::leaf:LEAVES are where photosynthesis- the process in which sunlight combines with CO2 and water and is then taken up by the roots to manufacture food (carbohydrates) for the plant - takes place and oxygen is released as a by-product. Plants regulate small openings, stomata, on leaf...
  11. 30yrsinthefield

    5 Feminized BlackJack Seeds from Nirvana

    :weed:My first time with seeds from Nirvana, further more first time with the great. BLACKJACK. Man my taste buds r going crazy already. cant wait. I would love to here any ideas that you have used with this plant. Lighting, Growing medium, Nutrients, ect.. Or if you injoyed the high. My friend...
  12. 30yrsinthefield

    F.Y.I. A guideline for Nutrient Limits (in PPM)

    :arrow:I have several friends that keep asking me what range is ok for my nitrogen, or calcium, Magnesium and so on. So maybe there is more who would like to know. This is what I have. Nitrogen=150-1000ppm Average@250 Calcium=100-500ppm Average@200 Magnesium=50-100ppm Average@75...