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  1. growin4it

    Adding co2 the RIGHT way!

    I am running 8] 1000w HPS lights (for 12/12) they are set up in 2 rows of 4. Each row of 4 has an 800cfm intake fan pulling air from outside the tent(odor free) and exhausting it out of the room entirely. Between this and my AC unit, temperature control is not an issue. My question is - when...
  2. growin4it

    Watering time: Morning vs Night

    I currently run my setup during the daytime hours (8am-8pm) and on days I water my plants I always do it in the morning. I am about to switch my setup to run at night (10pm-10am) and it would be much more convenient for me to water the plants in the morning hours (between 8-10am) but that would...
  3. growin4it

    Can Fan Sizing..

    TWO QUESTIONS, PLEASE HELP! Can I use 1 big Vortex Fan (747cfm) to push the hot air through 8 ) 1000's ? They will be set up in 2 rows of 4.. The fan will be hanging right in front of a window so I'm going to attach ducting from the fan intake to the window for fresh (odorless) air, through all...
  4. growin4it

    Basic electric question

    I am about to add more lights to my current set up, to do so I need to begin running my ballasts on 240v to use less amperage. My question(s): can I simply buy a '120 to 240 plug converter' plug the converter into the wall then plug my ballast into that? Or do I need to install a whole new...
  5. growin4it

    Air Purifier = Odor Control ?

    Has anyone tried using an air purifier for odor control? Here's a link to the one I'm thinking of getting.. let me know what you think!
  6. growin4it

    Fox Farm or Advanced Nutrients?

    I am considering switching from earth juice nutes to fox farm or advanced nutrients in hopes of creating larger colas but I could use a little info first! If I switch to fox farm I will use 'grow big' 'tiger bloom' and 'big bloom' as my lineup. Advanced nutrients would be 'advanced bloom'...
  7. growin4it

    Latest 300w LED from HTGsupply

    I am wondering if anyone out there has used this exact LED light if so you can comment on how well it does (or doesn't work) for flowering, compared to a 1000w HPS (according the site its more than equal) all info is much appreciated...
  8. growin4it

    New problem for me, what do i do?

    Hello RIU, I recently ran into a problem and I desperately need some help! The problem is that one of the electrical circuits keeps shorting out on me and turning off. The circuit that keeps shorting supplies power to (2)400W MH bulbs and (1) 10,000BUT air conditioner, which was never a...
  9. growin4it

    Generator ?

    I am considering using a generator to run my set up, I was wondering what you guys think of that idea and if you know any specific generators to use.. real quick, my set up consists (total) of 2x1000 watt ballasts, 2x400 watt ballasts, 1ac unit, 3 small oscillating fans, air pump and that...
  10. growin4it

    exhaust necessary for veg?

    my veg tent is 4' x 4' approx., i have a blower in there currently which works as an exhaust for the tent. is this necessary during veg? i ask because i think if i turn it off i will be able to control temps a lil better..any and all input is appreciated!
  11. growin4it

    why can't i find these!?

    i have 2gallon round pots and 3 gallon round pots and i need the plastic trays that sit underneath and catch the water as it comes out the bottom.. where can i find these? i have been looking everywhere!!!
  12. growin4it

    Glass jars...?

    anyone know where i can get some large glass jars, i am harvesting very soon.. an online store or a store found in every city(i.e. target, walmart) ?? any info is great! thanks:joint:
  13. growin4it

    how cold is too cold?

    just curious, anyone out there with some info on how cold is too cold in the grow room at night..
  14. growin4it


    i sprayed 1gallon of spinosad (1gal water mixed with 2oz spinosad) over my garden last night just before lights out..i have 18 plants, each one was sprayed thoroughly and the soil was sprayed as well.. when i checked this morning I noticed that the soil was still moving and the bugs were still...
  15. growin4it

    2000w flowering pics!

    :leaf:Just thought I'd show a few pics of my current grow! I'm running 2 x 1000w hps, air cooled, in a sun hut xxl 4x8ft tent. 15 blackberry kush and 3 master kush.. about 2.5 weeks into flower, and about 1 week recovery from thrips.. sorry for the low quality pics! grow journal starting with my...
  16. growin4it

    insect killing soap vs. thrips

    I have a pretty bad case of thrips, unfortunately I thought it was something else and didn't correctly treat the problem, but I'm hoping its not too late.. I've sprayed the plants twice now with Safer Brand Insect Killing Soap, I was just wondering if anyone has used this against thrips? after...
  17. growin4it

    Hepl me diagnose!! Please!

    I need some help RIU diagnosing the problem with my plants.. I don't have a PH tester so I can't say what the ph levels are, but I plan on buying one today or tomorrow as I have a feeling that could be the problem... there is a white powder look which covers the leaves, in addition to the...
  18. growin4it

    Container size a problem...?

    Hello RIU, I need some help!! Nothingserious, just a quick and basic question.. I have my plants in 6qt (1.5gal) containers right now, they have vegged for 6 weeks and are about 22-26 inches tall... yesterday I switched them into my flowering tent, with temperatures around a steady 80 (not ideal...
  19. growin4it

    Quick clone question

    I have a quick question. I plan on cutting clones from my blackberry strain in a week or so.. Do I need to stop feeding them nutes until then and only give them straight water, or is keeping to the nute schedule ok?