Search results

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    Crazy Flower

    Could a photo/female spend 2 months indoor under 24 hours of light, be moved outdoors, and start flowering, remain flowering even when the day light period is longer than the dark period…….
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    Does any of you old farts remember when a certain type of weed was referred to as “ Crippy” ??? Was that a strain or a just street terminology???
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    Only calcium

    What would be a good source of ONLY calcium for hydro?? I see it in cal/nit form and cal/mag form, but I'm looking for it without anything added to it, water soluble of course.
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    Automatic bilge pump

    This question is gonna be hard to follow….but here goes……could the EC of your nutes have an effect on an automatic float? Example RO (ec0.3) could that effect the solid state device inside of the pump ( Rule 1100 b) Never a problem while running nutes. But now during flush, its constanlty...
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    Jacks support line

    I have had a few q’s for the support staff at Jacks (aka JR Peters) and after multiple attempts at reaching out to them, I have given up. Has anyone else experienced the same???
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    Pheno hunting

    When pheno hunting how far in depth does your search go?? All the way to smoke?? or just to veg…. or to flower….. if all the way to smoke , do you take clones of all of them and keep them alive until you have a smoke report and then trash the undesirables?? That seems like a lot of work…..
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    Fuzzy Math

    If using Jacks 321 mixing with RO I get an EC of 2.0 no problem. Now, this is where things get fuzzy. After mixing in the Jacks and ending up at EC of 2.0 I add 650ml of Terpinator…… EC moves up to 2.8 +/- So…. If I add RO to bring the overall EC back down to 2.0 should I add cal/mag to...