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  1. Blent

    White top... Anyone seen this before?

    Anyone ever seen a big collection of white pistes at the top of a main cola like this before? They're almost not even pistes as they seem thick and kinda rigid
  2. Blent

    Stress, nanners and giving a fu*k

    Hey all, This grow might be a journal, I've documented it well and had my fair share of set backs and obstacles that's for sure. Recently, after a res exchange and clean I must have bumped my tent into one of my light timers and it was unfortunately stuck ON for about 5 days before I noticed...
  3. Blent

    Thoughts on time left..

    So I'm on holiday in 2 weeks time... For 2 weeks. The trick will be getting this to a state where it can be left alone... I don't think it can do another month without some sort of disease setting in and I'd hate to come home to that. My best option is to chop in 1 week and observe the drying...
  4. Blent

    Id these leaf spots

    Not overly concerned but wondering if these spots scream out anything specific to anyone?
  5. Blent

    Any point adding another light? CFL to assist blurple while in flower.

    As the title says... I'll be making a journal out of this grow, its been a journey... Right now we're hitting the 2nd week after flip and I've added my CFL to increase intensity during the budding stage... Pointless? Waste of power? Not a bad idea?
  6. Blent

    Plant just gave birth. What should I call it? Does it have a future?

    So this thing has popped up out of the root zone... Kinda makes me feel uneasy. I'm a week after flip so I'll probably end up chopping it off.
  7. Blent

    Leaf yellowing on newer growth

    After a 2nd opinion. I usually add Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) to my res but forgot during this growth. Added now will see. Its a sterile hydro (1000ppm) 2months in under LED 5.8pH and everything else is running well.
  8. Blent


    So it all began when I moved a Thai hot chilli indoors for a couple of months.. I eventually realised that it had an aphid problem which was fairly significant. I removed the plant and wiped my tent down from top to bottom including everything inside. Foolishly however I had began my seedling...
  9. Blent

    When would you top?

    I'm not sure if I want to follow the Uncle Ben method and have 4-6 main colas or mainline / LST a shrub from the 2nd... Wwyd
  10. Blent

    Maximum seed germination temp

    Yo.. What do ya think the chances are of survival... Not too worried cos I was only trying to pop one by chance but me soil temp got up to 98 degrees (37c) all other conditions are perfect. Temps were that high for about 9 hrs... Mmm felt quite warm.. time will tell I guess... Anyone know the...
  11. Blent

    RDWC flush time.

    Ok Y'all... What's the opinion out there about flushing your RDWC. I'm talking hard flush straight water. How long do you go for? How long do you leave the lights on? Do you notice faster trichome degradation while flushing? I'm going for 3 days lights on @11/13… then 48hrs dark before harvest.
  12. Blent

    Flushing DWC. Any point to pH the water?

    Is there any point to adjust the pH when flushing water? If there's nothing to uptake then why bother? I'm asking because right now my water is sitting at 7.2 Cheers.
  13. Blent

    Pistles brown trichomes clear.

    Few pics here to support my findings. I'm following the trichomes as best I can without getting my microscope too sticky. Majority of pistles have browned off but there are still fresh white ones coming through. Does this serve as a solid indicator by itself? I've not seen any trichomes begin...
  14. Blent

    My first Kratky

    Introducing my first Kratky ... Well I've had other successful crops like eggplant, lettuce and chilli using this method but first time with weed. I hadnt intended to do this but had nowhere to put a clone. I'm being as careless as I can be to be honest just treating it the same as any other...
  15. Blent

    Help me Identify leaf issue.

    One or 2 leaves have developed these spots over a fairly long period of time... Plant is otherwise looking very healthy. 6 weeks into flower RDWC pH 5.7 @1200pm 2part bloom nutes 20-10-40. + Calmag + Epsom Salt. Humidity 50-60% Res temp 18c air temp 22c. I've been noticing a slow and steady...
  16. Blent

    The stretch is a myth.. prove me wrong

    Total stretch 2 inches... Anyone else have that? Know why? All the horror stories I read but I never noticed anyone stating theirs didn't move in the 3 weeks... Some pics.. red line was pre flip.. besides that... Looks like I'll get at least 2 pounds off this one plant. Jokes aside I'm looking...
  17. Blent

    Last defoliation. 2nd week of flower.

    Just going past my 3rd week of 12/12 and the stretch albeit minimal is now over. I will be pinning the taller colas down with grow-yos tonight to bring them all even. The stretch was tiny, maybe 3 inches at the most which really surprised me. Yesterday I went through and defoliated a lot.. that...
  18. Blent

    Advice on early flower nutrients

    Yo... So I've been chatting to a lot of you about this grow and thanks for the help so far... It's going well. 9 days into flower now and I'm changing the 30gal Res for the first time in this new phase. Until now this has been my veg feet... And this is what I have for the bloom... Without...
  19. Blent

    How long is this piece of string?

    First time growing in rdwc. This naughtly little girl has a 5gal sized rootball in there... I've never had such a well rooted thick stemmed shrub like this. My question is.... Who can guess the yeild I will receive from this one grow? I know the variables make this hard to gauge but some...
  20. Blent

    Switching from veg to flower, any tips or suggestions?

    few pics of where im at below... I thought I would switch my plant to flower from the first day of 2019. Did all its growing in 2018 and will blossom in 2019. Due to the change in year and the line up of the earths rotation with the magnetosphere this enriches it with absolutely fuck all First...