
The Gram Reaper
The Gram Reaper
Find what section you want to post in, Newbie Central will get you the most help. Post New Thread is in the top right corner.
I can not find newbie central! Help Please
The Gram Reaper
The Gram Reaper
Click forums, top left. And click the title 'Newbie Central' , its the second choice under 'The Grow Room'

It looks like you have found it already.
The Gram Reaper
The Gram Reaper
When you are there, click the Post New Thread to create your own subject/thread, top right, for people to help/discuss.
I am not computer dumb but I do not see Newbie Central
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The Gram Reaper
The Gram Reaper
You must be trolling me it said you where last seen in newbie central lol
The Gram Reaper
The Gram Reaper
Keep scrolling down from that. It should be displaying a list of forum titles.