Recent content by XxTwoJointsxX

  1. XxTwoJointsxX

    Selling Weed

    if its good weed, itll sell itslef ;)
  2. XxTwoJointsxX

    Autoflower Easy Ryder Grow Journal - PC Grow

    fucking sick harvest dude! Congrats, i gots mine all done and dried, just curing at the moment, had a sample but im gonna proper sesh mine next friday! Peace dude, been a pleasure growin with ya!
  3. XxTwoJointsxX

    Easyryder, 1st grow, on a budget, pics and prices!

    yea its easy as man... get some pipe cleaners and make some holes in the side of ur pot, thats what i did throughout and it worked pretty well, cant say it increased my yield but it meant all the bud sites were in the light, as i only had one 300w bulb hanging over... they arent hanging...
  4. XxTwoJointsxX

    Easyryder, 1st grow, on a budget, pics and prices!

    ermm... i didnt top, i just used LST, it just inspired the other side colas to grow at the same pace as the rest of it, causing my buds to all be roughly the same size... peace
  5. XxTwoJointsxX

    My First Grow; Indoor Easy Ryder.

    Yea man... as my girlfriend always says... size dont matter! I was surprised with the amount i got off mine, i just harvested her the other day, check out the pics et me knw whatcha think! Peace dude!
  6. XxTwoJointsxX

    Easyryder, 1st grow, on a budget, pics and prices!

    Right.. so it had been in the dark for 48 hours ish.... not sure what it does but i did it anyway, And i started hacking at my baby! spent the whol man u tottenham game trimming them, i started really carefully, then i was just hacking at them once man u scored! lol But overall i'm real...
  7. XxTwoJointsxX

    My First Grow; Indoor Easy Ryder.

    how fuck did you take a picture like that???? thats awesome!
  8. XxTwoJointsxX

    Hi guys! RIU loyal here need some help, pronto!

    Hi guys, basically, i gotta make a decision in the next hour or so whether my plant is ready for going in the dark for 48 odd hours.. Heres some pics included, my sig's got all the details if need be.. my cameras not that great and my microscope is malfunctioning (poxy ebay) but heres a...
  9. XxTwoJointsxX

    Easyryder, 1st grow, on a budget, pics and prices!

    New site looks wikid! Gonna miss that gold miner game.... wasted a day on that motherfucker!
  10. XxTwoJointsxX

    Easyryder, 1st grow, on a budget, pics and prices!

    ah? Yea, im gonna be taking it down on thursday night, where it will spend til sunday just relaxing in darkness ready to be hacked at with my amateur hands and blunt scissors!! Peace dude
  11. XxTwoJointsxX

    Easyryder, 1st grow, on a budget, pics and prices!

    Alright guys just wanted to upload a pic of my plant that i like.... Taken this morning, going to be put into the dark for a couple days on thursday cant wait! Fuck dissertations!! Peace
  12. XxTwoJointsxX

    Autoflower Easy Ryder Grow Journal - PC Grow

    dude, did the sides and ends of your leaves turn purple? My baby is so close, about 60% amber trichs... its day 62... i think next thursday will be a good day to put her in the dark... peace
  13. XxTwoJointsxX

    Auto EasyRyder... Most basic set-up..

    just look on ebay for a cheap reflector, the socket is e40 so get one of them. my 300w is a dual spectrum, ive used that from start to finish... im not saying its ideal, but if your just growing for personal... its done me fine!! Peace
  14. XxTwoJointsxX

    Auto EasyRyder... Most basic set-up..

    looking good dude, my girl will be getting put in the dark next thursday... bit earlier than i wanted, but this time its unavoidable, plus i got plenty amber trichs... Your light set up looks pretty cool, if moneys not too much of an object, i'd recommend a 150w/300w cfl they're reasonable...
  15. XxTwoJointsxX

    Easyryder, 1st grow, on a budget, pics and prices!

    Yea man I gave them a flush just after i took these pictures, 4 litres of water did the job pretty well, the runoff was coming out clear so it should be all gravy! The easyryders are extremely resiliant, i mean this is my first grow and ive made a few mistakes along the way, but overall im...