Recent content by woobystein

  1. woobystein

    The best advice you ever got?

    Best advice I have ever received is as follows: " Up your dosage." - Uncle Ernie
  2. woobystein


    Is a taste of enlightenment and coming to the realization that you are everything and everyone who has ever and will ever exist worth it?
  3. woobystein

    all you travelers!!!

    Spent 8 months in costa rica/panama and then norcal in the fall living out of a backpack. Hitchhiked over 200 miles, trimmed for money to further my travels, ate a bunch of gooms, tryed dmt for the first time in the redwoods. Had a weird threesome with my bestfriend wherein we tackled some big...
  4. woobystein


    Seeing them fridayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy SKY IS THE LIMIT!!!
  5. woobystein

    Australian Animal Cruelty has stopped me wanting to eat meat - COMPLETELY.

    "Pigs have as much persona as dogs do, and I really hope those cruel cunts have an extra hot spot in hell reserved for them." Oh you're right pal, you don't come off as angry at all. Sorry for being presumptuous. From your succicnt little rhetorical question I suppose you inferred my response...
  6. woobystein

    Australian Animal Cruelty has stopped me wanting to eat meat - COMPLETELY.

    You do know that human beings are starving to death everyday don't you? Oh that's right, you don't give a shit about people. These animals have PERSONalities? What about insects? Do they have personalities? Cows moreso than rabbits? Are pigs more bona fide than goats? Are chickens more...
  7. woobystein

    Australian Animal Cruelty has stopped me wanting to eat meat - COMPLETELY.

    I skipped through the last pages because i'm about to eat dinner, but I just wanted to say if it hasn't been said already, that plants are living things to. So eating plants would be no different than having "dead shit" on a plate. I'm all for being against animal cruelty. But if you're against...
  8. woobystein

    Shit's all fucked up. What's a brotha to do?

    Faith is the unconditional love and full acceptance of the SELF as perfect and complete in EACH and EVERY moment. Even and especially when the moment is wearing a mask and seems to smell like feces. Think about it brother, because I share your viewpoints. Everything happens. This is the more...
  9. woobystein

    So I just smoked for the first time in a year and 3 months

    I got to ask you guys who have been daily tokers who then take breaks more than a couple months long (ie. op) ........ when you come back do you get as high as you did the very first days you EVER started smoking? like the first 10 times you got high as young kids or whatever, do you get that...
  10. woobystein

    That Guy who smokes your dope and say's it's OK, but had better.

    I nearly shat myself OP. Anyway, this isn't really weed related and might not even be relevant to the original post but this thread reminded me of it. Once in high school this scalawag slag of a bitch incessantly kept fucking with my lock on my locker by doing things like putting lip gloss all...
  11. woobystein

    I'm going to do diphenhydramine this weekend.

    I think he is referring to the antihistamine in Benadryl. Please give us an elaborate trip report OP and am most curious as to the effects of an antihistamine in heavy doasage.
  12. woobystein

    Taking life for granted

    I know sometimes I take things for granted. This really just woke me up and put things into perspective.
  13. woobystein

    what do you think of my custom kief box..?

    hey man just curious, where can you buy a silk screen? I need to get my kief on and this shabby grinder aint cutting it.
  14. woobystein

    Dancing in public? Prepare to be choke-slammed.

    Just to reiterate...Wake the fuck up people. I just want to go hold a sign and a megaphone saying "wake the fuck up!" My friends and I did it in childrens chalk on the street by my house but it rained and disappeared. I guess we have to think about another method besides children's chalk. But...
  15. woobystein

    So, How hard would it be to move to Australia?

    ^^^ This is the root of every single problem. People have (generally) forgotten how increible life is and what being a being really means. The closer we are to realizing that we are all the same, and that we could create life without suffering and produce a version of the world incredibly...