Recent content by swordfish984

  1. swordfish984

    Male or Female

    Looks like a mixture of all three, either way they arern't any good.
  2. swordfish984

    will topping grow tall?

    Of course it will if you let it grow long enough.
  3. swordfish984

    BC Seeds can suck dirreah shit from my Asshole

    Isnt this the place that someone payed something like $2000 for ten seeds and they never came?
  4. swordfish984

    Starting a mother

    The long winded way would be to grow several mothers, thake a clone from each then flower each clone. Obviously the clones that flower female are from the female mothers. so then you would keep those mothers and throw the others. But this would take a while. Or just clone from a plant that is...
  5. swordfish984

    Swordfishs bubbblegum/chronic grow 2.0

    Few pictures of the second grow, 8 plants in total, Im ditching the chronic next grow though and just using the bubblegum mothers.
  6. swordfish984

    Should i flower? (pic attached)

    That plant looks a bit fucked up, what have you done to it?
  7. swordfish984

    Serious seeds chronic pics

    I got bubblegum and chronic mother plants, i think im goona ditch the chronics. Bubblegum buds are so much more dense and crystallized. I pulled out 27oz in the end from the last grow didnt think it looked the shit myself but no one else seemed to, so a suppose it was a 'success' but i want...
  8. swordfish984

    Whats the Ideal Temperature for Water?

    22C/71F i keep mine at. Too hot and youll rot the rots....
  9. swordfish984

    Serious seeds chronic pics

    Has anybody got any pictures of flowering plants and finished product of chronic from serious seeds to compare to my grow. Im on my second grow now with chronic and bubblegum from serious. Cant say im impressed with the chronic. Bubble gum has nice tight buds but the chronic is just not as...
  10. swordfish984

    Timer Issue

    What you mean reinforced and upgraded. If youve got to much power for the timer to handle it will not work, you need a contractor
  11. swordfish984

    Busted When I Was in High School ha!

    ditto, just looks like a big block of letters like that.
  12. swordfish984

    Grow Journal Entry 1 - First Grow ever

    a heat lamp and foil! sounds like your making a oven
  13. swordfish984

    First grow - good or bad?

    If you cant check on some seeds at least once a day your not going to have a sucessful grow. Those seeds sound wasted to me. unlucky
  14. swordfish984

    Guess my yeild win $10 via paypal!

    wheres the pictures of this super crop, i can smell bullshit. Dreamer