Recent content by splitscreen

  1. S

    How to delete account...

    were not all as smart as each other man. im not out to get anyone, so its easy to look past people out to get me. if you have used your own addy then you dont expect people to be looking into it. in your own account. or even think about it ip address's and all that is way past me maybe you...
  2. S

    Boiling The Roots Before Chopping The Buds?

    lol i dont know man, but ive never seen thc coverd roots lol, we'd all be smoking um otherwise lol the bud and the calyx is my guess becasue its the plants defense system. the thc is already covering the bud once ready to havest. it goes with holditin i geuss, like keep um on, sqeezing every...
  3. S

    Boiling The Roots Before Chopping The Buds?

    thc in the roots lol, i thought thc coverd the buds and sweet leaf to protect it from sun rays, and as a protection method against preditors. now what whould it be doing on the roots? lol
  4. S

    How to delete account...

    you should have the opition to delete, the mods say that about missing posts out of treads but thats no big problem, theres so much info on here anyway. yeah it may mess a tread up abit but no one worries that much on other grow sites, you just think oh well a deleted account missing posts...
  5. S

    This is what happens when you use molasses

    it clogs your roots right up when used in dwc. take alook at your roots, i bet it has all colected from the mix and is stuck all over the roots
  6. S

    selling to people you know.. by the gram. how much would you charge

    £20 quid an 1/8 is a mates price here, what ever strain itis. otherwise ya paying £25 an 1/8. thats 3.5 grams lol like ya dint know
  7. S

    selling to people you know.. by the gram. how much would you charge

    10 quid a gram is the norm, but thats abit of a rip off as can get an 1/8 for 20 quid
  8. S

    Good low odor indoor strain?

    kush stinks. it all stinks in my past experiances. weed smells of weed lol. but ive been looking into this as i need low odor strains to. everyone says northernlights. but some say its musky, which i belive. ive grown shiva skunk which was kind of low odor, pine'e musky smell at the end...
  9. S

    HELP!!! My plant is undercurling!!!

    mayby its wilting from the heat, dry roots or over watering. or leaving it standing in water. root rot
  10. S

    Growing Querkle, 3D, and Jillybean

    you can even revert the plant its self, take ya smokables off at havest, and leave sopme bottom growth, stems and fan leafs and put back on a 24 or 18hr cycle. it'll staert revert within 2 weeks, yourll get alot of 1 leafs growing. ya need to build a lil vegging cab, so you can take the clones...
  11. S

    Growing Querkle, 3D, and Jillybean

    LB and sub, you can clone a flowering plant. it roots as normal, but will take abit longer to revert to a vegging plant. like once the clone has root yoyrll start getting growth from the buddy bit of the clone. like lil 1 leaf stems will shoot out from the bud and slowly grow back to a normal...
  12. S

    What Part of ‘Change’ Does DEA not Understand?

    give um a ring, and say you bunch of cunts! are laws are aways gettng fuct about with, not quite the same but, 1 minute its c class nexts its b then its c now its be, there just cunts. fill sorry for who ever had there meds taken
  13. S

    Pull offensive threads (Poll) - (Look) RIU Management

    coz the organics dont like hydro? lol offensive threads in here man, people beening harsh to others
  14. S

    First Subcool/TGA grow recommendation

    he must have a taste for them all, as he breeds for taste and potencie. i spect he likes them all
  15. S

    Pull offensive threads (Poll) - (Look) RIU Management

    when its not you saying it, or posting it should i say! live and let live! yeah the mods should pull offensive threads if its all about attacking sombody, or go thru the posts and sort it out. they seem to like the fun of it tho, only human i geuss