Recent content by spilla

  1. spilla

    When to change nutes... veg to flower? (DWC)

    Cool, ill be switching her tomorrow then. Was due for a res change.
  2. spilla

    When to change nutes... veg to flower? (DWC)

    Hey peoples, ive got a girl in a 5gal bubbler bucket. She has been vegging for about a month now (no pics crap camera). Really happy with how she is going, growth rates are amazing... much faster than my soil or coco. I was wondering... when i switch the light cycle over to 12/12 do i also...
  3. spilla

    amber tricombes

    Check this thread...
  4. spilla

    Cooltube/Cabinet Ventilation?

    Thanks man. If i move my cab i should be able to hide both lots of ducting.... was only worried about heat, smell isnt an issue. Was at bunngings yesterday, they had timers on sale for 3.95 i picked one up but put it back as i didnt think id really need it (forgot about the cooltube fan) ...
  5. spilla

    Cooltube/Cabinet Ventilation?

    Can i join my cooltube outtake ducting and my cabinet outtake ducting? Im worried about heat building up in the cooltube as i have two 95cfm fans one for the cooltube outtake and one for cab outtake but the cooltube fan has to push air through more ducting. I could have a separate length of...
  6. spilla

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    Living in Aus, paying around $100-200 for bush/HG weed, always some nice stuff floating around, tend to smoke it over the hydro even though i do love hydro... for hydro/dank $250-300.
  7. spilla

    Another stoner from OZ

    These are the best pics i could take... the first is of my girl 3wks into flowering, took almost 2 wks for it to show sex properly, a few of the lower fans started to yellow/die but after adding nutes that seems to have stopped. She's been under 182w of cfl (mixture of 23w+20watters, got them...
  8. spilla

    Another stoner from OZ

    Cheers mate, no my digital camera takes crap pics :roll: Might try taking some when the lights come back on.
  9. spilla

    Another stoner from OZ

    Hey peoples, Really enjoying this place, there is just a wealth of knowledge here. Im 3weeks into flowering on my first grow... atm im only using cfl's but ive been able to learn lots from it. In the next few weeks ill be getting a 250w HPS to finish this grow and to flower the clones ive just...