Recent content by SFnone

  1. SFnone

    What am I?

    I get it, but come on, what the hell was the OP looking for??? I doubt it was even a legitimate question. "What am I? I'm someone who has no experience, but reads a lot, so I'm a pro- now, please respond, what am I?". It's a stupid post, and I'm not sorry for saying so. But I guess I'll be nicer...
  2. SFnone

    What am I?

    I think you mistook what I was saying... RIU is my favorite because people here can be a little harsh and torture newbies and make fun of stupid questions. OG is TOO nice. Everyone over there blocks or ignores anything that might come off as insensitive or offensive. It's the hopping place right...
  3. SFnone

    What am I?

    Can't know until you experience it first hand. If you think you can, then that would make you a fool. Overgrow will be kinder to you than here.
  4. SFnone

    Old School Skunk, who's found it???

    I'm convinced Chems are at least half original American Skunk. It's the only thing that seems to still smell and taste like it, both in bud and in smoke. I'm actually beginning to wonder if Chem was just an exceptional batch of Skunk and nothing else... I don't know about that though... I think...
  5. SFnone

    Biden's State of the Union Thing

    I only caught the end of it, but i can already tell, trump aint doin that... he isn't going to be able to carry out that kind of speech... Joe KILLED it man... and wtf is with the republican response? it's like a bizarre infomercial, only written and directed by some kind of freako cult... and...
  6. SFnone

    SnowHigh Seeds

    I'm kinda on the same mindset... I still like John, and some of his Mexicans are probably the most legit on the market, but I lost a lot of respect for him after buying his $400 "60s Colombian Red", and finding pretty quick, that it was no pure Colombian, and was no 60s weed. If he doesn't come...
  7. SFnone

    WINTER strains??

    How cold does it get in your area? Mid-high 20s, and freisland, balochistan, a lot of afghan, pakistan, north east iran, or on the opposite side, North-western india, hindu kush type shit, should all be able to survive, for a while at least, but they'd probably still be slow to develop... Low...
  8. SFnone

    Women in Music

    a little modern era Dark Wave, Larissa Iceglass
  9. SFnone

    Greenpoint seeds anyone grow them

    I've had a lot from them... but only the Wild West series. I think I literally bought almost every Stardawg cross they offered in like, 2017 I want to say, during one of their Halloween sales, which used to be something like 65-80% off or something like that. The original Copper Chem was cool...
  10. SFnone

    AK Bean Brains

    ask him if steve had anything to do with it...
  11. SFnone

    ***DAT's Art Cave***

    Thanks, yeah, i still think about her regularly... she had a bad owner before me, and a very hard life, and didn't deserve that kind of exit. That's how it is out there though... it's still the wild west in a lot of ways. Yup, that's why I said something... people who live among them need to...
  12. SFnone

    ***DAT's Art Cave***

    Not to discredit anyone, but rattlesnakes are not to be taken lightly at all. Humans can avoid them fairly easily, but if you have dogs, be very careful. I grew up a little south of you, DAT, and my one dog was bitten by a big rattlesnake... she didn't even see it before it struck, no warning or...
  13. SFnone

    The Landrace Team

    I hear ya. I order from Kwik Seeds too. I recently picked up some of their new Iranians that I'll probably grow this Summer and compare them. Still though, some of those Africans and South Americans, TLT are the only ones I'm seeing that sell them. I try everything man, it's the only way to know...
  14. SFnone

    Old Mendo Haze / Santa Cruz Pure Haze

    Todd's can be great, but it can also be not so great. I've found extremely potent plants in there, but also really weak ones too. If you want Tom's, he's over on OG quite frequently, and is currently making a new batch of seeds. It's probably going to be limited though, so you know... let's try...
  15. SFnone

    The Landrace Team

    I've grown some stuff and have been pleased. If you got the money, go for it. They are kind of... "uninterested"... it seems... not the most into the plant as some others are... more about the money maybe... but they offer some stuff that nobody else does, and from my experience with them, they...