Recent content by sensimilius

  1. sensimilius


    the 12-8-8 biotabs came highly recommended by my growshop for flowering. Contains bone meal, blood meal and fish meal. Question is every how long should i wait before inserting another tab ? or is it just the one and it'll do the work during the whole period ? they are slow-release after all...
  2. sensimilius

    tiny white bugs with wings ? (photos included)

    Hey guys, I know I haven't updated this thread in awhile but I thought I'd just harvest the the plant before the pests wreaked any more havoc. I was cleaning the lights I used for that grow today and out pops a full-sized winged bug (dead) from the fan enclosure lmao. I was inclined to believe...
  3. sensimilius

    Pocket-friendly 1000W lights ?

    Noted. Thanks a bunch !
  4. sensimilius

    Pocket-friendly 1000W lights ?

    I see...guess it's ultimately a matter of personal experience. And yes, it's the 600w blurples. I've gotten pretty satisfying yields since I got them but I'm looking to upgrade to something a bit better since the general opinion on blurples is meh and am constantly told I'd get better results...
  5. sensimilius

    Pocket-friendly 1000W lights ?

    It's like a room-sized closet, dude, trust me no need.. Thanks ! Will look into it
  6. sensimilius

    Pocket-friendly 1000W lights ?

    Been actually using a couple of phlizon 600s for the past couple years but I was told they're pretty crummy and to try out mars hydros
  7. sensimilius

    Pocket-friendly 1000W lights ?

    Just my trusty closet It's pretty spacious and I've managed a good 10 grows in there albeit with some sucky blurple types. I guess part of my question is, what are the none-dodgy and fake brands out there ? I'm kinda clueless. I've heard good things about mars hydro...
  8. sensimilius

    Pocket-friendly 1000W lights ?

    Hey guys, Looking to purchase a new set of 1000W lights for my indoors. Market seems to be saturated with all types of brands, sizes, wattages etc so I'd appreciate a bit of help from those that have a clue. Budget is no higher than 150$ for the moment. I'm not planning to grow any high-grade...
  9. sensimilius

    4 nodes in, cotyledons still attached

    That's besides the point of the thread. I mean, if the cotyledons are indeed meant to nourish the plant until it grows enough foliage to sustain itself, then they've definitely worn out their purpose. Guess I was just wondering if it was a common occurrence for them to stay attached beyond...
  10. sensimilius

    4 nodes in, cotyledons still attached

    Hey guys, like the title says, my seedling is 4 nodes in but somehow the cotyledons are still attached and looking green and healthy. In all my grows, this is the first time this occurs, when usually they'd have already dried up and fallen. I ask because I intend to repot to something bigger...
  11. sensimilius

    WEIRD seedling. Keep or bin ?

    The motherfucker won’t quit o_Oo_O Should i just nudge it off ??
  12. sensimilius

    WEIRD seedling. Keep or bin ?

    Could be. Although i’ve always planted at the same depth (about 1/2 inch or 1 cm with a 1/4 inch taproot)
  13. sensimilius

    WEIRD seedling. Keep or bin ?

    Started another one of these. Same damn deal. Been like this the past 12 hours. Someone above said something about low water levels so i misted the fucker a couple times head-on. Advice ?
  14. sensimilius

    WEIRD seedling. Keep or bin ?

    what the… on some chernobyl shit
  15. sensimilius

    WEIRD seedling. Keep or bin ?

    That's what I'm doing. Still watering and giving it light. It's just that in all my grows I've never encountered such a thing. It's like only one of the first true leaves grew without the second and that one leaf only grew the middle blade and no side ones. I don't even know what to call...